Page 73 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 73

Tata Kelola     Tanggung Jawab Sosial
            Perusahaan      Corporate Social
            Good Corporate   Responsibility

                                     Struktur organisasi Pengelola human capital Perusahaan
                                Organization Structure of Human Capital Management at The Company

                                                 VP Human Capital &
                                                  Business Support

                                Human Capital                                General Support
                                   Manager                                      Manager

                    Policy & People      HRM Services Ast           Operation Support Ast   Facilities Support
                Management Ast Manager       Manager                      Manager               Officer

                Organization & Capability   HRM Services Officer      Operation Support
                  Management Analyst                                       Officer

                 Compensation Benefit &                                  Jr Officer OS
                 Industrial Relations Analyst                           Management

                       Dapat diisi oleh pekerja PWT/secara ex officio
                       jabatan fungsional terkait
                       Open for PWT workers/ex officio of related

            PengeLoLaan Sdm Secara KhuSuS di Tengah Pandemi   hr managemenT during The Pandemic
            Strategi pengelolaan SDM di tahun 2020 disesuaikan   The HC management strategy in 2020 is adjusted to
            dengan kondisi pandemi Covid-19 untuk melindungi   the Covid-19 pandemic  to protect  all employees  and
            segenap karyawan dan memastikan proses bisnis dapat   ensure business processes run according to plans and
            berjalan sesuai dengan rencana dan target yang telah   targets. During the pandemic, the Company always pays
            ditetapkan. Selama masa pandemi, Perusahaan senantiasa   attention to the latest developments of the Indonesian
            memperhatikan perkembangan terkini dari kebijakan   Government’s policies regarding the Covid-19 virus.
            Pemerintah Indonesia terkait penanganan virus Covid-19.   Some of the adjustments in HC management amidst the
            Beberapa penyesuaian yang telah dilakukan Perusahaan   pandemic throughout 2020, were as follows:
            dalam mengelola SDM secara khusus di tengah pandemi,
            di sepanjang tahun 2020, adalah sebagai berikut:

            1.  Pembentukan gugus tugas yang secara khusus    1.  Forming a special task force to handle workers who
               menangani para pekerja yang terkena Covid-19.     got infected with Covid-19.
            2.  Pengaturan ruang kerja yang berjarak aman di kantor.  2.  Organizing a safe working space at the office.
            3.  Patroli tim khusus ke ruang-ruang kantor untuk   3.  Forming a special team patrol around the office to
               memastikan semua protokol kesehatan terpenuhi. Tim   make sure that all health protocols are followed.
               khusus ini juga terus mengingatkan dan menghimbau   This team constantly reminds all workers to follow all
               pekerja agar mematuhi semua ketentuan.            protocols.
            4.  Melakukan tes PCR secara massal atau lebih dikenal   4.  Performing a mass PCR test or commonly known as
               dengan istilah Pool PCR di KPB.                   the term “Pool PCR” at KPB.

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