Page 74 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 74



          huMan rESourCES ManaGEMEnt

          ketersediaan  dan keandalan sumber  daya  manusia (sDm) atau   the availability and reliability of human resources (Hr) or employees
          Pekerja  diperlukan  oleh Pt  kPB  untuk mencapai visi  dan misi   is required by PT KPB to achieve the Company’s vision and mission.
          Perusahaan. Pt  kPB  memperlakukan  Pekerja  sebagai salah  satu   Pt kPB treats employees as one of the main assets that must be
          aset  utama  yang harus dikelola dengan  baik.  secara struktur   managed properly. in terms of organizational structure, the person
          organisasi,  yang bertanggung  jawab  dalam  pengelolaan  Pekerja   responsible for managing employees at Pt kPB is the Director of
          di Pt  kPB  adalah  Direktur keuangan  dan Penunjang  Bisnis  yang   Finance and Business support who oversees the Human Capital &
          membawahi VP Human Capital & Corporate services.     Corporate services VP.

                                       Direktur Keuangan & Penunjang Bisnis
                                           Director of Finance and Corporate Services

                                       VP Human Capital & Corporate Services

                                               Manager Human Capital

                HC Planning &                    HC Business Partner                      Ast Manager
           Organization Capability               (C&B, IR & Perf. Mgt)                    HRM Services

          Fungsi HC &  Corporate  services menjalankan pengelolaan  dan   the HC & Corporate services function carries out the management
          pengembangan sistem sDm yang meliputi beberapa aspek namun   and development of the Hr system which includes several aspects
          tidak terbatas pada:                                 but is not limited to:
          a.  Perencanaan, desain dan kajian organisasi.       a.  Planning, design and organizational review.
          b.  Pengisian formasi organisasi melalui rekrutmen dan pergerakan   b.  Completion  of  organizational formation through  recruitment
            pekerja.                                              and movement of workers.
          c.  Penilaian, pengembangan dan pembinaan pekerja.   c.  appraisal, development, and training of workers.
          d.  Pelaksanaan sistem remunerasi.                   d.  implementation of the remuneration system.
          e.  Layanan lainnya terkait human capital.           e.  other services related to human capital.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79