Page 175 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 175


          perubahan nomenklatur                                nomenclature Changes

          Pada  periode  pelaporan  Laporan  tahunan  ini,  terdapat   During the reporting period  of this  annual  report,  there  was  a
          perubahan  nomenklatur  komite  investasi  menjadi  komite   change  in the nomenclature of the  investment  Committee  to
          Pemantau  manajemen  risiko  berdasarkan  keputusan  become the risk management monitoring Committee based on the
          Pemegang  saham  secara  sirkuler tentang Perubahan   shareholders‘ Circular resolution concerning Changes in Position
          Nomenklatur Jabatan dan Pengangkatan  anggota Direksi   Nomenclature and  appointment  of  members  of the Board of
          tanggal 26 agustus 2022 yang dinyatakan melalui akta Pt kPB   Directors dated august 26, 2022 which was legalized through Deed
          No.7 tanggal 14 september 2022.                      of Pt kPB No.7 dated september 14, 2022.


          rEMunEratIon CoMMIttEE

          komite  remunerasi  dibentuk  dan bertanggung  jawab  kepada   the remuneration Committee is formed and is responsible to the
          Dewan komisaris untuk membantu melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi   Board of Commissioners to help carry out the duties and functions of
          Dewan komisaris yang berkaitan dengan remunerasi sesuai dengan   the Board of Commissioners related to remuneration in accordance
          peraturan yang berlaku bagi anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan   with the regulations that apply to members of the Board of Directors
          komisaris.                                           and members of the Board of Commissioners .

          piagam Komite remunerasi                             remuneration Committee Charter

          komite  remunerasi  memiliki  pedoman  sebagai acuan dalam   the remuneration Committee has guideline as a reference in carrying
          pelaksanaan tugasnya yang termuat dalam surat keputusan Dewan   out its duties which are contained in the Decree of the kPB Board
          komisaris Pt kPB No.kpts-003/Dk-kPB/2021 tanggal 9 agustus   of Commissioners No.kpts-003/Dk-kPB/2021 dated august 9, 2021
          2021  tentang Pembentukan  dan Penetapan  Piagam  komite   concerning  the  Formation  and  Determination  of  the  remuneration
          remunerasi di lingkungan Dewan komisaris Pt kPB.     Committee Charter within the kPB Board of Commissioners.

          Komposisi Komite remunerasi                          remuneration Committee Composition
          selama periode  Laporan  tahunan ini, Dewan  komisaris  telah   During the period of this annual report, the Board of Commissioners has
          menunjuk  ketua dan wakil  ketua merangkap  anggota  komite   appointed a chairman and deputy chairman concurrently as a member
          remunerasi dengan susunan sepert di bawah ini:       of the remuneration Committee with the following composition:

                Nama               Jabatan                 Periode                    Dasar Pengangkatan
                Name               Position                Period                    Basis of Appointment

             suwahyanto       ketua                    28 Desember 2022 –    sk Direktur utama
                                                         31 Januari 2023    No.kpts-008/Dk-kPB/2022 tanggal
                                                                            28 Desember 2022
                              Chairman                 December 28, 2022 -    Decree of the Chief Executive Officer
                                                        January 31, 2023    No.kpts-008/Dk-kPB/2022 dated
                                                                            December 28, 2022

             Haiyani Rumondang   Wakil Ketua I      28 Desember 2022 – sekarang   SK Direktur Utama No.Kpts-008/DK-KPB/2022
                              merangkap Anggota                             tanggal 28 Desember 2022

                              Deputy Chairman I      December 28, 2022 - now   Decree of the Chief Executive Officer
                              concurrently as                               No.Kpts-008/DK-KPB/2022
                              a Member                                      dated December 28, 2022

             Saifullah Ma’shum   Wakil Ketua II    28 Desember 2022 – sekarang   SK Direktur Utama No.Kpts-008/DK-KPB/2022
                              merangkap Anggota                             tanggal 28 Desember 2022
                              Deputy Chairman II     December 28, 2022 - now   Decree of the Chief Executive Officer
                              concurrently as a Member                      No.Kpts-008/DK-KPB/2022
                                                                            dated December 28, 2022

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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