Page 97 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 97

Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

                ASET LANCAR
                CURRENT ASSETS
                              URAIAN                    2021          2020
                            DESCRIPTION                (USD)         (USD)      NOMINAL (USD)  PERSENTASE (%)
                                                                                NOMINAL (USD)  PERCENTAGE (%)
                Kas dan Kas di Bank                    150.959.048   526.685.910  (375.726.862)       (71,34)
                Cash and Cash in the Bank
                Pajak Dibayar di Muka                   209.114.880   54.166.025    154.948.855       286,06
                Prepaid taxes
                Biaya Dibayar di Muka                        9.322   112.437.678   (112.428.356)      (99,99)
                Prepaid expenses
                Total Aset Lancar                      360.083.250  693.289.613   (333.206.363)      (48,06)
                Total Current Assets

               Total aset lancar Perusahaan di tahun 2021 tercatat   The Company’s total current assets in 2021
               penurunan USD333,21 juta atau 48,06% dari tahun   recorded a decrease of USD333.21 million or 48.06%
               sebelumnya sebesar USD693,29 juta menjadi        from the previous year’s USD693.29 million to
               USD360,08 juta. Hal tersebut lebih disebabkan    reach USD360.08 million. This was mainly due to a
               oleh adanya penurunan pada biaya dibayar di      decrease in prepaid expenses due to the payment
               muka dikarenakan telah dilunasinya uang muka     of advances to third parties for Engineering,
               kepada pihak ketiga atas pekerjaan Engineering,   Procurement, Construction Inside Battery Limit-
               Procurement, Construction Inside Battery Limit-  Outside Battery Limit or EPC ISBL-OSBL work.
               Outside Battery Limit atau EPC ISBL-OSBL.

                ASET TIDAK LANCAR
                NON-CURRENT ASSETS
                              URAIAN                    2021          2020
                            DESCRIPTION                (USD)          (USD)                     PERSENTASE
                                                                                NOMINAL (USD)
                                                                                NOMINAL (USD)
                                                                                               PERCENTAGE (%)
                Aset Pajak Tangguhan
                                                           172.750       60.433          112.317   185,85
                Deferred tax assets
                Aset Tetap
                                                      1.839.058.054  823.374.570   1.015.683.484   123,36
                Fixed assets
                Aset Hak Guna
                                                          1.349.213          -         1.349.213     -
                Right of Use Assets
                Total Aset Tidak Lancar
                                                      1.840.580.017  823.435.003  123,52
                Total Non-Current Assets
               Di tahun 2021, Perusahaan berhasil membukukan    In 2021, the Company’s total non-current assets
               total aset tidak lancar sebesar USD1,84 miliar   stood at USD1.84 billion, an increase of USD1.02
               meningkat USD1,02 miliar atau 123,52% dibanding   billion or 123.52% compared to USD823.44 million
               tahun 2020 sebesar USD823,44 juta. Hal tersebut   in 2020. This was due to an increase in the Project
               disebabkan kenaikan realisasi Project Cost sebesar   Cost to reach USD1.35 billion compared to USD475.9
               USD1,35 miliar jika dibandingkan tahun 2020      million in 2020 and the physical progress reaching
               sebesar USD475,9 juta dan progres fisik sudah    46.95%.
               mencapai 46,95%.

               PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                 Laporan Tahunan 2021 | Annual Report 2021  93
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102