Page 94 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 94

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             Dalam menyusun dan merapkan rencana strategis    For preparing and implementing the strategic plan
             di tahun 2021, Perusahaan memiliki asumsi dan    in 2021, the Company’s assumptions and basic
             dasar perhitungan berupa:                        calculations were:
                •  Kurs USD pada tahun 2021 sebesar Rp14.600/    •  USD exchange rate in 2021 at Rp14,600/US
                 USD;                                            Dollar;
                •  ICP di tahun 2021 sebesar USD45,00/barel.     •  ICP in 2021 at USD45.00/bbl.

             Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Perusahaan telah       Based on these, the Company compiled and set
             menyusun sasaran strategis yang telah ditetapkan   the strategic targets in the 2021 RKAP, including:
             dalam RKAP 2021, antara lain:
             1.   Target pencapaian pelaksanaan EPC ISBL-     1.   Achieving the progress of the ISBL/OSBL EPC
                 OSBL sebesar 47,08%;                            implementation at 78%;
             2.  Merekrut pekerja baru (fresh intake) sebanyak   2.  Recruiting new workers (fresh intake) as
                 77 orang calon operator dan pekerja             many as 77 prospective operators and 264
                 berpengalaman sebanyak 264 orang, serta         experience workers, as well as conducting
                 melaksanakan training classroom dan on the      classroom training and on the job training for
                 job training untuk para calon operator;         prospective operators;
             3.  Delivery to Site  Alkylation Reactor         3.  Delivery to Site Alkylation Reactor C-065-03 in
                 C-065-03 di Triwulan I dan delivery to Site Wet   the first quarter and delivery to Site Wet Gas
                 Gas Compressor K-052-03 di Triwulan III;        Compressor K-052-03 in the third quarter;
             4.  Closing project finance phase-1.             4.  Closing project finance phase-1.

             Dengan selesainya  Proyek Refinery Development   The  completion  of  the  Refinery  Development
             Master Plan (RDMP), diharapkan dapat mencapai:   Master Plan (RDMP) Project is expected to achieve:
                •  Kapasitas pengolahan kilang meningkat 100     •  Refinery processing capacity increased by 100
                 ribu bph menjadi 360 ribu bph;                  thousand bpd to 360 thousand bpd;
                •  Kompleksitas kilang yang sebelumnya 3,7       •  The complexity of the refinery from 3.7 on the
                 skala Nelson Complexity Index (NCI) akan        Nelson Complexity Index (NCI) scale to 8,0 on
                 mencapai 8,0 skala NCI;                         the NCI;
                •  Kualitas produk yang semula kategori Euro II     •  Product quality that was originally in the Euro
                 meningkat menjadi Euro V.                       II category to increase to Euro V.

        90   Laporan Tahunan 2021 | Annual Report 2021                             PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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