Page 100 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 100

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

                           URAIAN                   2021          2020
                         DESCRIPTION                (USD)        (USD)      NOMINAL (USD)  PERSENTASE (%)
                                                                            NOMINAL (USD)  PERCENTAGE (%)
              Beban Umum dan Administrasi
                                                     (1.112.464)   (495.651)       (616.813)   124,45
              General and Administrative Expenses
              Rugi Usaha
                                                     (1.112.464)   (495.651)       (616.813)   124,45
              Operating Loss
              Pendapatan Keuangan
                                                     2.147.020      445.671        1.701.349   381,75
              Financial Income
              Pendapatan/(Beban) Lain-Lain – Neto
                                                      1.561.704  (1.599.488)       3.161.192   197,64
              Other Income/(Expenses) – Net
              Laba/(Rugi) Usaha Sebelum Pajak
              Penghasilan                            2.596.260   (1.649.468)      4.245.728    257,40
              Profit/(Loss) Before Income Tax
              Manfaat Pajak Penghasilan
                                                       125.768       66.409         59.359      89,38
              Income Tax Benefits
              Laba/(Rugi) Tahun Berjalan
                                                     2.722.028    (1.583.059)     4.305.087    271,95
              Profit/(Loss) for the year
              Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain
              Other Comprehensive Income
              Pos yang Tidak Akan Direklasifikasi ke
              Laba Rugi dalam Periode Berikutnya
              (Neto Setelah Pajak):
              Items That Will Not Be Reclassified to
              Profit and Loss in the Next Period (Net
              After Tax):
              Pengukuran Kembali atas Liabilitas
              Imbalan Pasti Neto
                                                       44.975        23.903          21.072     88,16
              Remeasurement of Net Defined Benefit
              Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain Setelah
              Pajak Penghasilan
                                                       44.975        23.903          21.072     88,16
              Other Comprehensive Income After
              Income Tax
              Total Penghasilan/(Rugi) Komprehensif
              Tahun Berjalan
                                                     2.767.003   (1.559.156)      4.326.159    277,47
              Total Comprehensive Income/(Loss) for
              the Year

             Per  31  Desember  2021,  Perusahaan  belum      As of December 31, 2021, the Company has not
             membukukan pendapatan usaha mengingat            yet recorded operating income as it is still in
             masih dalam tahap konstruksi dan belum           the construction stage and has not yet started
             beroperasi secara komersial. Meski demikian,     commercial operations. However, the Company
             Perusahaan membukukan pendapatan keuangan        recorded financial income of USD2.15million, an
             sebesar USD2,15 juta meningkat USD1,70 juta atau   increase of USD1.70 million or 381.75% compared
             381,75% jika dibanding tahun 2020 yang sebesar   to USD446 thousand in 2020. This was due to an
             USD446 ribu. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya   increase in bank interest income.
             peningkatan pendapatan bunga bank.

        96   Laporan Tahunan 2021 | Annual Report 2021                             PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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