Page 210 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 210

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             Perusahaan juga telah memiliki kebijakan terkait   The Company also has a policy concerning the
             program jaminan kecelakaan kerja, sesuai dengan   work accident insurance program, in accordance
             komitmen Perusahaan untuk memenuhi hak-hak       with the Company’s commitment to fulfill employee
             kerja karyawan.                                  rights.

             Perusahaan selalu melengkapi pakaian dan         The Company always supplies the clothing and
             peralatan yang dikenakan pekerja untuk           equipment worn by employees to support the
             mendukung penerapan K3. Hal ini juga sejalan     implementation of OHS. This is also in line with
             dengan penggunaan tenaga kerja yang sehat        the use of a healthy workforce, both physically,
             baik fisik, mental, maupun sosial, sehingga      mentally, and socially, so that they can work
             dapat bekerja secara optimal untuk pencapaian     optimally for the achievements of the Company.
             target Perusahaan. Upaya ini menjadi satu        This effort is an integral part of the Company’s
             kesatuan dengan komitmen K3 Perusahaan           OHS commitments covered by the HSSE (Health-
             yang tercakup dalam HSSE (Health-Safety-         Safety-Security-Environment),  related  to  the
             Security-Environment), terkait pencapaian ISRS   achievement of ISRS (International Sustainability
             (International Sustainability Rating System).    Rating System).

             Berikut disampaikan HSSE Performance RDMP        The HSSE Performance for RDMP Balikpapan and
             Balikpapan dan Lawe-Lawe di tahun 2021.          Lawe-lawe in 2021 is shown below.

                                                           : 0
                                                       Lost Time
                                                       Injury : 0

                                                   Restricted Work
                                                       Case : 0

                                                Medical Treatment
                                                       Case : 2

                                                    FirstAid : 12

                                                   Near Miss: 19

                                    Unsafe Act and Condition : 96.174

                                  Jam Kerja Aman:  46.403.808 jam
                                        Safe Working Hours: 46,403,808 hours

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