Page 215 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 215

The original financial statements included herein are in
                                                                                                Indonesian language.

                          Tanggal 31 Desember 2021                            As of December 31, 2021
                          (Disajikan dalam US Dollar,                         (Expressed in US Dollar,
                            kecuali dinyatakan lain)                          unless otherwise stated)

               21. PERJANJIAN DAN KOMITMEN SIGNIFIKAN              21. SIGNIFICANT      AGREEMENTS          AND

                   Pada  tanggal  30 Maret 2020  telah ditandatangani     On March 30, 2020 a novation contract was signed,
                   novasi kontrak, yang berlaku efektif 15 hari setelah  which is effective 15 days after signing the novation.
                   ditandatanganinya novasi tersebut.  Novasi kontrak  The  contract  Novation  transferred the rights  and
                   tersebut  mengalihkan hak dan kewajiban atas       obligations  to the  ISBL/OSBL  EPC  contract from
                   kontrak EPC ISBL/OSBL dari PT  Pertamina           PT  Pertamina  (Persero)  to PT Kilang Pertamina
                   (Persero) ke  PT Kilang Pertamina  Balikpapan.     Balikpapan.  Based on the  contract  novation, the
                   Berdasarkan novasi  kontrak  tersebut, atas biaya  costs associated with the EPC ISBL/OSBL project
                   sehubungan dengan proyek EPC ISBL/OSBL  atas       for New Units and Additional Units that have been
                   New Unit dan Additional Unit yang telah dibayarkan  and have  been capitalized into Asset Under
                   dan telah dikapitalisasi ke Asset Under Construction  Construction (AUC) by PT Pertamina (Persero) are
                   (AUC) oleh PT  Pertamina  (Persero) kemudian       then charged back  to PT  Kilang  Pertamina
                   ditagihkan  kembali  ke PT Kilang Pertamina        Balikpapan. As  of December  31,  2020,  the
                   Balikpapan. Pada  tanggal  31 Desember 2020,       Company has recorded accrual expenses for these
                   Perusahaan telah mencatat beban akrual atas biaya  expenses, such as accrual expenses on advances
                   tersebut diantaranya beban akrual atas uang muka   (Advance Payment) and AUC (Note 5 and 6).
                   (Advance Payment) dan AUC (Catatan 5 dan 6).

                   Selain kontrak EPC,  pada  tanggal  30 April 2020     In addition to the EPC contract, on April 30, 2020,
                   telah ditandatangani dan berlaku efektif atas novasi  the novation of the Project Management Consultant
                   kontrak  Project  Management Consultant Services   Services Contract from PT Pertamina (Persero) to
                   dari PT Pertamina (Persero) ke PT Kilang Pertamina  PT  Kilang Pertamina  Balikpapan was signed  and
                   Balikpapan, atas kontrak-kontrak lainnya yang      become  effective. Other contracts  effective  on
                   berlaku efektif pada 1  Mei 2020, juga telah       May  1, 2020,  have  also  been terminated from
                   diterminasi dari PT Pertamina (Persero) dan dibuat  PT Pertamina (Persero) and made a new contract
                   kontrak  baru  dengan PT Kilang Pertamina          with PT  Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan.  The
                   Balikpapan. Perjanjian dan kontrak-kontrak tersebut  agreements and contracts discuss, among others,
                   mengatur mengenai  antara  lain  harga, masa       the price, the term of the agreement and also other
                   perjanjian dan juga syarat dan ketentuan lain yang  applicable terms and conditions.

                                             kontrak/          Berakhirnya kontrak/
                    Para pihak/ Parties    Contract date         End of contract      Jenis kontrak/Type of contract
               RDMP Balikpapan JO           10/12/2018             27/07/2023          New Unit & SRU HMU (KPB
               PT Worley SEA Indonesia      03/08/2018             03/08/2023         Project Management Consultant

               Greengate LLC                07/01/2020             30/06/2022         Lenders' Financial Model Advisor

               Allen and Overy              11/11/2019             30/06/2022            Lenders' Legal Counsel

               Sumitomo  Mitsui  Banking    01/11/2021             30/06/2022         Koordinator ECA atas Lenders/
               Corporation                                                              Lenders' ECA Coordinator
               PT Prima Armada Raya         01/11/2021             01/03/2023            Jasa Sewa Kendaraan/
                                                                                       Transportation Rental Service
               PT  Pertamina  Training  &   01/04/2021             01/10/2022            Jasa Penyediaan TKPP/
               Consulting                                                                   TKPP Service

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