Page 163 - 2021 Annual Report
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Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

               Indikator Kinerja                                Performance Indicators
               Sebagai bagian dari Grup Pertamina, dalam        As part of the Pertamina Group, in determining
               menentukan besaran Remunerasi Dewan              the Remuneration for the Board of Commissioners
               Komisaris dan Direksi, KPB mengacu pada          and Directors, KPB refers to the Minister of SOEs
               Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No.PER-13/         Regulation No.PER-13/MBU/09/2021 dated
               MBU/09/2021 tanggal 24 September 2021 tentang    September 24, 2021 as the Sixth Amendment to the
               Perubahan Keenam Atas Peraturan Menteri BUMN     Minister of SOEs Regulation No.Per-04/ Mbu/2014
               No.Per-04/Mbu/2014 Tentang Pedoman Penetapan     concerning Guidelines for Determining the Income
               Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Dewan   of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners,
               Pengawas BUMN.  Beberapa pertimbangan yang       and Supervisory Board of SOEs. The considerations
               digunakan sebagai berikut:                       include:
               1.   Perbandingan dengan besaran remunerasi      1.   Comparison with the previous year’s
                   tahun sebelumnya.                                remuneration.
               2.  Kenaikan kompleksitas operasional            2.  Increase in the complexity of the Company’s
                   Perusahaan.                                      operations.
               3.  Perbandingan besaran remunerasi dengan       3.  Comparison of the amount of remuneration
                   perusahaan sejenis.                              with similar companies.

               Komponen Remunerasi                              Remuneration Components
               Berdasarkan Akta No. 29 Tanggal 19 Desember      Based on Deed No. 29 dated December 19, 2019
               2019 tentang Penetapan Gaji Direksi dan Dewan    concerning the Determination of Salaries for the
               Komisaris, ditetapkan komponen-komponen          Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners,
               remunerasi sebagai berikut:                      the remuneration components are as follows:
               1.   Gaji/Honorarium;                            1.   Salary/Honorarium;
               2.  Tunjangan Perumahan (termasuk biaya          2.  Housing Allowance (including utility costs);
               3.  Tunjangan Transportasi;                      3.  Transportation allowance;
               4.  Tunjangan Hari Raya Keagamaan (THRK);        4.  Religious Holiday Allowance (THRK);
               5.  Asuransi Purna Jabatan;                      5.  Post-Service Insurance;
               6.  Pajak ditanggung Perusahaan.                 6.  Taxes borne by the Company.

               Penilaian Kinerja Organ Pendukung                Performance Assessment of Supporting
               dan/atau Komite                                  Organs and/or Committees

               Penilaian atas kinerja organ pendukung Dewan     Performance Assessments of the Board of
               Komisaris dilakukan oleh  Dewan Komisaris. Secara   Commissioners supporting organs is carried out
               umum, Dewan Komisaris memandang bahwa            by the Board of Commissioners. Overall, the Board
               semua Komite telah menjalankan tugasnya          of Commissioners view is that all Committees
               masing-masing  dengan  efisien  berdasarkan      have performed their respective duties efficiently
               prinsip GCG dan tujuan Perusahaan. Sedangkan     based on GCG principles and the Company’s
               pada organ pendukung Direksi, yakni Sekretaris   objectives. Meanwhile, for the supporting organs
               Perusahaan beserta pejabat Perusahaan yang       of the Board of Directors, namely the Corporate
               setingkat di bawah Direksi, sepanjang tahun 2021,   Secretary and company officials who are at the
               Direksi menilai bahwa pelaksanaan tugas dan      same level as the Board of Directors, for 2021, the
               tanggung jawab organ pendukung Direksi telah     Board of Directors view is that the implementation
               dijalankan dengan baik sesuai dengan prinsip     of the duties and responsibilities of the Board of
               GCG dan tujuan Perusahaan.                       Directors supporting organs has been carried out
                                                                properly in accordance with the principles of GCG
                                                                and objectives of the Company.

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