Page 162 - 2021 Annual Report
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Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             Pelatihan dan Peningkatan Kompetensi             Training and Competency Development

             Perusahaan mendukung kebijakan terkait pelatihan   The Company supports policies related to training
             dan peningkatan kompetensi Dewan Komisaris       and competency development of the Board of
             dan Direksi dengan tujuan untuk menambah         Commissioners and Board of Directors with the
             wawasan dan pengetahuan Dewan Komisaris          aim of increasing their insight and knowledge
             dan Direksi untuk mendukung pelaksanaan          to support the implementation of their duties
             tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris         and responsibilities. A list of training and
             dan Direksi. Tentang daftar kegiatan pelatihan   competency development activities for the Board
             dan peningkatan kompetensi yang diikuti Dewan    of Commissioners and Board of Directors in 2021
             Komisaris dan Direksi di sepanjang tahun 2021    can be found in the Company Profile chapter in
             dapat dilihat pada bab Profil Perusahaan dalam   this annual report.
             laporan tahunan ini.

             Penilaian Kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan            Board of Commissioners and Board of
             Direksi                                          Directors Performance Assessment

             Penilaian atas kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi   The Board of Commissioners and Board of
             (secara kolegial) dilakukan dengan mengacu       Directors (collegial) performance Assessment is
             kepada target Key Performance Indicator (KeyPI).   carried out with reference to the Key Performance
             Penilaian kinerja baik secara kolegial maupun    Indicator (KPI) targets. Performance appraisals,
             individual dilaksanakan sepenuhnya oleh          both collegial and individual, are carried out by
             Pemegang Saham.                                  the Shareholders.

             Kebijakan  Nominasi  bagi  Dewan                 Nomination Policy for the Board of
             Komisaris dan Direksi                            Commissioners and the Board of
             Kebijakan dan prosedur Nominasi sepenuhnya       Nomination policies and  procedures are fully
             merupakan kewenangan dan sepenuhnya              authorized and fully implemented by the
             dilaksanakan oleh Pemegang Saham.                Shareholders.

             Kebijakan Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris             Remuneration Policy for  the Board
             dan Direksi                                      of Commissioners and the Board of

             Prosedur Penetapan Remunerasi Dewan              Procedure for Determining the Remuneration
             Komisaris dan Direksi                            for the Board of Commissioners and the
                                                              Board of Directors
             Penetapan remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisaris dan    Determination  of  remuneration  for  the  Board
             Direksi ditetapkan melalui mekanisme keputusan   of Commissioners and the Board of Directors is
             RUPS berdasarkan Akta No. 29 tanggal 19 Desember   determined through the GMS decision mechanism
             2019.                                            based on Deed No. 29 dated December 19, 2019.

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