Page 13 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 13

Tata Kelola     Tanggung Jawab Sosial
            Perusahaan      Corporate Social
            Good Corporate   Responsibility

                                                              PeriSTiwa PenTing 2020
                                                                             IMpORTANT EvENTs 2020

                  Triwulan Pertama
                  first Quarter

                  •   Penyelesaian novasi Kontrak ePc iSBL-oSBL
                  •   memulai pekerjaan piling dan stone column di area residual fluid catalytic cracking (rfcc)
                  •   memulai instalasi residual fluid catalytic cracking (rfcc) feed Tank d-320-12, 02a/B
                  •   memulai Principal agreement dengan salah satu calon equity partner
                  •   completed the novation of ePc iSBL-oSBL contract
                  •   Started the Piling & Stone column work at residual fluid catalytic cracking (rfcc) area
                  •   Started the installation of Storage Tank d-320-12, 02a/B
                  •   Started the Principal agreement with the candidate of equity partner

                  Triwulan Kedua

                  Second Quarter

                  •   Penyelesaian novasi Kontrak Project management consultant (Pmc)
                  •   Pencapaian operational acceptance Proyek relokasi acid flare
                  •   Persetujuan L3 Schedule Proyek ePc Lawe-Lawe
                  •   completed the novation of Project management consultant (Pmc) contract
                  •   operational acceptance of relocation acid flare Project
                  •   approved the L3 Schedule ePc Lawe-Lawe

                  Triwulan Ketiga

                  Third Quarter
                  •   memulai aktivitas P&id review meeting unit Sulfur recovery unit (Sru) dan hydrogen
                      manufacturing unit (hmu)
                  •   memulai pekerjaan pondasi gas Turbine generator Train 1
                  •   Pencapaian operational acceptance Proyek Jetty Sulfur Baru & dredging
                  •   Started the P&id review meeting of Sulfur recovery unit (Sru) and hydrogen manufacturing
                      unit (hmu)
                  •   Started the foundation work of gas Turbine generator Train 1
                  •   operational acceptance of new Sulphur Jetty & dredging Project

                 Triwulan Keempat

                 fourth Quarter
                 •   Penerbitan Purchase order (Po) Single Point mooring (SPm) ePc Lawe-Lawe
                 •   Penerbitan Purchase order (Po) onshore & offshore Pipeline (20” & 52”) ePc Lawe-Lawe
                 •   Pelaksanaan erection 2 unit gas Turbine generator (gTg), 2 unit heat recovery (hrSg), dan 2
                     unit Boiler
                 •   Penyelesaian mechanical installation Tangki d-320-12

                 •   issued Po SPm ePc Lawe-Lawe
                 •   issued Po onshore & offshore Pipeline (20” & 52”) ePc Lawe-Lawe
                 •   erection 2 unit of gTg, 2 unit of hrSg, and 2 unit of Boiler
                 •   completed the mechanical installation Tank d-320-12

        PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                     13                     Laporan Tahunan 2020 | Annual Report 2020
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