Page 8 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 8

Kilas Kinerja    Laporan              Profil           Analisis dan Pembahasan   Tinjauan Pendukung
               Performance      Manajemen            Perusahaan       Manajemen              Bisnis
               Higlights        management Report    Company Profile  Management Discussion and   Business Support

            caPaian PenTing 2020
            IMpORTANT ACHIEvEMENTs IN 2020

               milestone yang diakui Perusahaan Sejalan dengan Peningkatan Progres fisik
               The recognized milestone aligns with the Physical Progress.

               Beberapa unit signifikan yang berhasil direalisasikan di tahun 2020 antara lain:
               •   erection 2 unit Boiler
               •   2 unit gas Turbine generator (gTg)
               •   2 unit heat recovery Steam generator (hrSg)

               Some major units that the Company had built in 2020 include:
               •   The Erection of 2 Boiler units
               •   2 units of Gas Turbine Generator (GTG)
               •   2 units of Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)

               ekuitas                                           aset Perusahaan
               equity                                            company’s asset
               uSd768,33 Juta                                    uSd1,52 miliar

               uSd768.33 million                                 uSd1.52 Billion
                                                                 meningkat 1.690,27% karena progres fisik
               meningkat 807,10% karena penyertaan               pengembangan proyek refinery development
               modal dari KPi selaku Pemegang Saham              master Plan (rdmP) di tahun 2020 mencapai
               mayoritas, dengan dana yang berasal dari          27,73% dan realisasi capex sebesar uSd475,9
               PT Pertamina (Persero).
               Increased 807.10% due to capital injection        Increased 1,690.27% due to the physical progress
               from KPI as the Majority Shareholder,             of the Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP)
               with the funding came from PT Pertamina           project in 2020 reached 27.73% and USD475.9
                                                                 million of Capex Realization.

               mendapatkan Penghargaan Patra
               nirbhaya Karya madya

               received the Patra nirbhaya Karya
               madya award

               Pada bulan november 2020 mendapat Penghargaan Patra nirbhaya Karya madya: Keselamatan migas dengan
               kategori tanpa kehilangan jam kerja sebagai akibat kecelakaan selama 2 (dua) tahun hingga mencapai
               12.247.430 jam kerja. Per tanggal 31 desember 2020 mampu mencapai 19.768.431 jam kerja aman.

               In November 2020, the Company was awarded the Patra Nirbhaya Karya Madya Award: Oil and Gas Safety award
               of safe working hours up to 12,247,430 working hours in the past 2 (two) years. As of December 31, 2020, the
               Company achieved 19,768,431 safe working hours.

         Laporan Tahunan 2020 | Annual Report 2020          8                             PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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