Page 119 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 119


          Kontribusi terhadap negara                           Contribution to the State

          Pembayaran pajak Perusahaan  yang terdiri dari PPh Potong/  the Company’s tax payments consisting of Withholding/Collecting
          Pungut,  Pajak  dibayar  di muka,  dan Bea  masuk  sampai  dengan   income tax, Prepaid taxes, and import Duty up to December 2022
          transaksi  bulan  Desember  2022 adalah sebesar  rp6,57  triliun.   transaction amounted to iDr 6.57 trillion. When compared to the
          apabila dibandingkan  dengan  periode  yang sama  di tahun  2021   same period in 2021 of iDr 3.59 trillion, there was an increase of
          sebesar rp3,59 triliun, terdapat kenaikan sebesar 83%.  83%.

          perjanjian, Komitmen dan Kontinjensi                 Significant  agreements, Commitments, and
          penting                                              Contingencies

          Pada  30  maret 2020  telah ditandatangani novasi  kontrak  yang   on march 30, 2020 a contract novation was signed which transferred
          mengalihkan hak dan kewajiban atas kontrak EPC isBL-osBL dari   the rights and obligations of the isBL-osBL EPC contract from Pt
          Pt  Pertamina  (Persero) kepada Pt  kPB.  Novasi  kontrak berlaku   Pertamina (Persero)  to Pt  kPB.  the  novation of the contract  is
          efektif 15 hari setelah ditandatangani. Berdasarkan novasi kontrak   effective 15 days after it is signed. Based on the novation of the
          itu biaya sehubungan dengan proyek EPC isBL-osBL atas New Unit   contract, costs related to the isBL-osBL EPC project for New units
          dan Additional Unit yang telah dibayarkan dan telah dikapitalisasi   and additional units that have been paid and have been capitalized
          ke auC oleh Pertamina kemudian ditagihkan kembali ke Pt kPB.   to auC by Pertamina are then billed back to Pt kPB.
          selain kontrak EPC, pada 30 april 2020 telah ditandatangani dan   in addition to the EPC  contract,  on  april 30  2020  the Project
          berlaku efektif atas novasi kontrak Project Management Consultant   management Consultant services contract novation was signed and
          Services dari Pertamina ke Pt kPB, atas kontrak-kontrak lainnya   effective from Pertamina to Pt kPB, other contracts which became
          yang berlaku efektif pada 1 mei 2022 juga telah diterminasikan dari   effective on may 1 2022 were also terminated from Pertamina and
          Pertamina dan dibuat kontrak baru dengan Pt kPB. Perjanjian dan   a  new contract was  made with  Pt  kPB.  these agreements  and
          kontrak-kontrak  tersebut  mengatur  mengenai  antara  lain harga,   contracts regulate, among other things, the price, the term of the
          masa perjanjian dan juga syarat dan ketentuan lain yang berlaku.   agreement as well as other terms and conditions that apply.

                     Para Pihak               Tanggal Kontrak    Berakhirnya Kontrak   Jenis Kontrak
                       Parties                  Contrat Date     End of Contract   Type of Contract

             rDmP Balikpapan Jo                 10/12/2018        27/07/2023      isBL osBL New unit (Pt kPB scope)
             Pt Woley sEa indonesia             03/08/2018        03/08/2023      Project management Consultant

             Greengate LLC                      07/1/2020         30/06/2023      Lender’s Financial Model Advisor

             allen and overy LLP                11/11/2029        30/06/2022      Lender’s Legal Counsel
             sumitomo mitsui Banking Corp       01/11/2021        01/03/2023      koordinator ECa atas Lender’s
                                                                                  Lender’s ECA Coordinator

             Pt Pertamina training & Consulting   01/04/2021      30/04/2023      Jasa Penyediaan tkPP
                                                                                  TKPP Service

             Pt Patra Badak arun solusi         01/01/2022        31/12/2022      Jasa Penyediaan tkPP
                                                                                  TKPP Service
             PT Pertamina Gas                   15/05/2022        30/06/2053      Penyaluran Gas Bumi
                                                                                  Natural Gas Distribution

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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