Page 59 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 59

Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

               Dalam proyek ini, terdapat juga pengembangan     In this project, there is also the development of
               sejumlah  fasilitas  pendukung  di  Terminal     a number of supporting facilities at the Lawe-
               Lawe-Lawe,  yaitu  pembangunan  dua  tangki      Lawe Terminal, namely the construction of two
               penyimpanan  minyak  mentah  berkapasitas        crude oil storage tanks with a capacity of 1 million
               masing-masing  1  juta  barel,  pembangunan      barrels each, the construction of a crude oil supply
               fasilitas penerimaan pasokan minyak mentah dari   receiving facility from the tanker ships called Single
               kapal tanker yang disebut Single Point Mooring   Point Mooring (SPM) with a capacity of 320,000.
               (SPM) 320.000 DWT, serta pembangunan fasilitas   deadweight tonnage, as well as the construction
               pipa darat dan lepas pantai dari SPM ke Terminal   of onshore and offshore pipeline facilities from
               Lawe-Lawe dan dari Terminal Lawe-Lawe ke Kilang   SPM to Lawe-Lawe Terminal and from Lawe-Lawe
               Balikpapan.                                      Terminal to the Balikpapan Refinery.

               Rencana pengembangan RU V Balikpapan melalui     The RU V Balikpapan development plan through
               RDMP dapat dijelaskan melalui gambar berikut:    the RDMP can be seen in the following picture:

                                                   Keterangan gambar |  Caption  :
                                                   Total Area of RDMP               : 80,64 Ha
                                                   Total Area Overall RDMP & Existing RU V  : 313,64 Ha
                                                   New Unit Process                 : 20 Unit (Incl. RFCC + HMU + SRU)
                                                   Revamp Unit                      : 5 Unit (Incl. HCU Revamp)
                                                   New Unit Utilities & Offsite     : 13 Unit | Units

                                                    Peningkatan Kapasita Pengolahan
                                                    Dari 260 ribu bph (kbph) menjadi 360 ribu bph (kbph)
                                                    Processing Capacity Improvement
                                                    From 260 thousand bpd (kbph) to 360 thousand bpd (kbph)
                                                    Peningkatan Produksi dan Kualitas BBM
                                                    1.   Peningkatan Gasoline dari 42 ribu bph menjadi 142 ribu bph
                                                    2.   Peningkatan Diesel dari 125 ribu bph menjadi 156 ribu bph
                                                    3.   Peningkatan Avtur dari 30 ribu bph menjadi 41 ribu bph
                                                    4.   Peningkatan LPG dari 0,8 ribu bph menjadi 12 ribu bph
                                                    5.   Peningkatan kualitas produk dari EURO II menjadi EURO V
                                                    Improved Fuel Production and Quality
                                                    1.   Gasoline increase from 42 kbpd to 142 kbpd
                                                    2.   Diesel upgrade from 125 kbpd to 156 kbpd
                                                    3.   Avtur increase from 30 kbpd to 41 kbpd
                                                    4.   LPG increase from 0.8 kbpd to 12 kbpd
                                                    5.   Product quality improvement from EURO II to EURO V
                                                    Nilai Investasi
                                                    Estimasi Project Cost mencapai USD7,2 Miliar
                                                    Investment Value
                                                    Estimated Project Cost reached USD 7.2 Billion

               PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                 Laporan Tahunan 2021 | Annual Report 2021  55
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