Page 54 - 2021 Annual Report
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Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             Brief History of The Company

             PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (KPB), disebut juga   PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (KPB), also known
             KPB atau Perusahaan, didirikan berdasarkan Akta   as KPB or Company, was established based on
             Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas Nomor 12 tanggal    the Deed of Establishment for a Limited Liability
             7 Mei 2019 yang dibuat oleh Notaris Marianne     Company made before Notary Marianne Vincentia
             Vincentia Hamdani, SH. Akta Pendirian tersebut   Hamdani, SH. The Deed of Establishment was
             telah  disahkan  oleh  Menteri  Hukum  dan  Hak   ratified by the Republic of Indonesia Minister of
             Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia melalui Surat   Law and Human Rights through their Decree No.
             Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan HAM RI Nomor         AHU0025280.AH.01.01.  2019  dated  May  18,  2019
             AHU0025280.AH.01.01.TAHUN 2019 tanggal 18 Mei    concerning the Legalization of the Establishment
             2019 tentang Pengesahan Pendirian Badan Hukum    of  the  Legal  Entity  of  the  KPB  Limited  Liability
             Perseroan Terbatas KPB.                          Company.

             Saham KPB sebesar 99,90% dimiliki oleh PT Kilang   KPB’s shares are 99.90% owned by PT Kilang Pertamina
             Pertamina Internasional (KPI), Anak Perusahaan   Internasional (KPI), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina
             PT Pertamina (Persero) yang dibentuk sebagai     (Persero) which was formed as a strategic holding
             strategic holding company  dalam  bidang         company in Pertamina’s investment and business
             investasi  dan  usaha  bisnis  Pertamina  terkait   ventures related to the refinery and petrochemical
             megaproyek kilang pengolahan dan petrokimia,     mega-projects, especially in implementing the
             terutama dalam menjalankan skema kerja sama      cooperation  scheme.  and  for  project  funding
             dan untuk strategi pendanaan proyek. Sementara   strategies. Also, 0.10% of the shares are owned by
             sebesar 0,10% saham dimiliki oleh PT Pertamina   PT Pertamina Pedeve Indonesia, which is also a

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