Page 155 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 155

Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

                      TANGGAL                                                          DIRECTORS
                                                                            NW     FY    DKS    MUL    SH
                10 2 Maret 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi   V            V      V
                   March 2, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                 11  9 Maret 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi  V           V      V
                   March 9, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                12 26 Maret 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi        V      V      V
                   March 26, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                13 30 Maret 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi        V      V      V
                   March 30, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                14 6 April 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi         V      V      V
                   April 6, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                15 14 April 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi        V      V      V
                   April 14, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                16 21 April 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi        V      V      V
                   April 21, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                17 27 April 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi        V      V      V
                   April 27, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                18 4 Mei 2021    1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi         V      V      V
                   May 4, 2021   2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                19 11 Mei 2021   1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi         V      V      V
                   May 11, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                20 18 Mei 2021   1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi         V      V      X
                   May 18, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi                    *)
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors
                21 8 Juni 2021   1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi         V      V      V
                   June 8, 2021  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                                 1.   Progress Report of each Function
                                 2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                    of Directors

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