Page 150 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 150

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             2.  Pendanaan  Proyek,  antara  lain  melalui    2.   Project funding, through project financing,
                 project financing, notional pooling, maupun     notional  pooling,  and  Pertamina’s  equity
                 penyertaan modal Pertamina melalui KPI.         participation through KPI.
             3.  Realisasi progres fisik pelaksanaan kontrak   3.   Realization of the physical progress of the ISBL-
                 Proyek EPC ISBL-OSBL.                           OSBL.
             4.  Penyelesaian novasi kontrak EPC ISBL-OSBL ke   4.   Completion of the novation of the EPC ISBL-
                 JO SHRP (Joint Operation).                      OSBL contract to JO SHRP (Joint Operation).
             5.  Persiapan  Black Start-Up (BSU) dan  Turn    5.   Preparation for Black Start-Up (BSU) and Turn
                 Around (TA) di Tahun 2022.                      Around (TA) in 2022.
             6.  Peningkatan aset yang cukup tinggi akibat    6.   The significant increase in assets was due to
                 penyelesaian instalasi beberapa unit utama      the completed installation of several major
                 yang cukup signifikan.                          units that were quite significant.
             7.  Pembebasan bea masuk impor, tax holiday,     7.   Exemption of import duty, tax holiday,
                 pembebasan pemungutan PPh Pasal 22 Impor.       exemption from collection of Article 22 Import
                                                                 Income Tax.

             Organ Pendukung Direksi dan Komite               Supporting Organs of the Board of
             Lainnya                                          Directors and Other Committees

             Dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasional           In  carrying  out  the  Company’s  operational
             Perusahaan, Direksi memiliki organ pendukung     activities, the Board of Directors’ supporting organs
             yaitu Sekretaris Perusahaan. Selain itu,  Direksi   include the Corporate Secretary. The Board of
             juga dibantu oleh sejumlah pejabat Perusahaan    Directors is also assisted by a number of Company
             yang setingkat di bawah Direksi yakni para VP dan   officials at the same level as the Board of Directors,
             Manager.                                         namely VPs and Managers.

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