Page 152 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 152

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

                                                                     KOMISARIS            DIREKSI
                   TANGGAL                                           BOARD OF            DIRECTORS
                     DATE                                         COMMISSIONERS
                                                                    SUW     SM    NW   FY  DKS   MUL  SH
              3  2 Juni 2021  1.  L3 Schedule RFCC                   V      V          V    V     V
                 June 2, 2021  2.  Maintenance & Operation Management
                                System / Process Information System
                             3.  Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Distributed
                                Control System (DCS) Integrated Control
                                and Safety System (ICSS) di Korea
                             1.  L3 Schedule RFCC
                             2.  Maintenance & Operation Management
                                System / Process Information System
                             3.  Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
                                Distributed Control System (DCS)
                                Integrated Control and Safety System
                                (ICSS) in Korea
              4  9 Juli 2021  1.  HSSE                               V      V          V    V     V
                 July 9, 2021  2.  Update Progress EPCC Proyek
                             3.  Interest Rate Swap KPB Tahun
                             4.  Keterisian Formasi Organisasi KPB
                             1.  HSSE
                             2.   Update Project EPCC Progress
                             3.   Interest Rate Swap KPB Year
                             4.  Filling KPB Organization Formation
              5  27 Juli 2021  1.  Update Realisasi Investasi        V      V          V    V     V
                 July 27, 2021  2.  Cashflow
                             3.  Update Progress RDMP
                             1.  Investment Realization Update
                             2.   Cashflow
                             3.   Update RDMP Progress
              6  27 Agustus   1.  Notional Pooling                   V      V          V    V     V
                 2021        2.  Penyertaan Modal dan/atau Project
                 August 27,     Financing Tahun 2022
                 2021        3.  Penunjukan Pelaksana Tugas (PLT)
                                Direktur Keuangan
                             4.  Perubahan Struktur Organisasi
                             1.  Notional Pooling
                             2.  Equity Participation and/or Project
                                Financing in 2022
                             3.  Appointment of the Acting Director of
                             4.  Changes in Organizational Structure
              7  3 September   1.  Progress Engineering-Procurement-  V     V          V    V     V
                 2021           Construction (EPC) Inside Battery Limit
                 September 3,   (ISBL) dan Outside Battery Limit (OSBL);
                 2021        2.  Progress EPC Lawe-Lawe;
                             3.  Lanjutan Pembahasan Rencana Kerja
                                Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) 2022;
                             4.  Lanjutan Pembahasan Penyertaan Modal
                                dan/atau Project Financing Tahun 2022;
                             5.  Lanjutan Pembahasan Perubahan
                                Struktur Organisasi.
                             1.  Progress Engineering-Procurement-
                                Construction (EPC) Inside Battery Limit
                                (ISBL) and Outside Battery Limit (OSBL);
                             2.  Lawe-Lawe EPC Progress;
                             3.  Continuation of the discussion on the
                                2022 Company Budget Work Plan (RKAP);
                             4.  Continuation of discussion on Equity
                                Participation and/or Project Financing in
                             5.  Continuation of Discussion on Changes in
                                Organizational Structure.

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