Page 154 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 154

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

              RAPAT DIREKSI

                   TANGGAL                                                          DIRECTORS
                                                                         NW      FY    DKS   MUL     SH
              1  5 Januari 2021  1.  Tindak lanjut Internal Audit         V             V      V
                 January 5, 2021  2.  Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris Utama KPI :
                                 Review 3D, Crane, Shop Erection
                               3.  Pendanaan pinjaman Export Credit Agency
                               4.  Pengurusan ijin operasi kilang minyak dan gas
                               5.  Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM)
                               6.  Penyertaan Modal
                               7.  Upaya dan langkah HSSE mitigasi COVID-19
                               1.   Follow-up Internal Audit
                               2.  Follow-up on KPI Komut directives: 3D Review,
                                 Crane, Shop Erection
                               3.  Export Credit Agency (ECA) loan financing
                               4.  Management of oil and gas refinery operating
                               5.  Investment Activity Report (LKPM)
                               6.  Equity Participation
                               7.  HSSE efforts and steps to mitigate COVID-19
              2  12 Januari 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi  V          V      V
                 January 12, 2021 2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                               1.   Progress Report of each Function
                               2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                 of Directors
              3  19 Januari 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi  V          V      V
                 January 19, 2021 2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                               1.   Progress Report of each Function
                               2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                 of Directors
              4  26 Januari 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi  V          V      V
                 January 26,   2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                 2021          1.   Progress Report of each Function
                               2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                 of Directors
              5  2 Februari 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi  V          V      V
                 February 2, 2021 2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                               1.   Progress Report of each Function
                               2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                 of Directors
              6  5 Februari 2021  GCG                                     V             V      V
                 February 5, 2021
              7  9 Februari 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi  V          V      V
                 February 9, 2021 2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                               1.   Progress Report of each Function
                               2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                 of Directors
              8  16 Februari 2021  1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi  V         V      V
                 February 16,  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                 2021          1.   Progress Report of each Function
                               2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                 of Directors
              9  23 Februari 2021 1.  Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi  V          V      V
                 February 23,  2.  Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi
                 2021          1.   Progress Report of each Function
                               2.  Matters that require the support of the Board
                                 of Directors

       150   Laporan Tahunan 2021 | Annual Report 2021                             PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159