Page 3 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 3

menciPTaKan momenTum, memacu PerTumBuhan

                                                 CREATING MOMENTUM, ACCELERATING GROWTH

            PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (KPB) terus melanjutkan   PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (KPB) keeps building
            momentum pertumbuhan di tahun awal berdirinya untuk   on the momentum from its recent establishment to
            memacu progres fisik  Engineering, Procurement and   accelerate the physical Engineering, Procurement and
            Construction (EPC)  InSide Battery Limit-OutSide Battery   Construction (EPC) of the InSide Battery Limit-OutSide
            Limit (ISBL-OSBL), EPC Lawe-Lawe, dan 8 (delapan) proyek   Battery Limit (ISBL-OSBL), EPC Lawe-Lawe, and 8 (eight)
            Early  Works.  Walaupun  di  tengah  tantangan  pandemi   Early Works projects. Despite the challenging Covid-19
            Covid-19, KPB terus bergerak maju untuk beradaptasi   pandemic, KPB never stops moving forward to adapt to
            dengan era “new normal” dalam mengatasi setiap    the “new normal” in facing every challenge to achieve
            tantangan sehingga dapat merealisasikan progres fisik   27.73% physical progress and USD475.9 million of Capex
            proyek mencapai 27,73% dan Realisasi Capex sebesar   Realization by the end of 2020. KPB will remain committed
            USD475,9 Juta di tahun 2020. KPB akan memegang    to finish the project according to the targets for national
            komitmen untuk menyelesaikan proyek sesuai dengan   energy resilience.
            target untuk kemandirian energi nasional.

        PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                      3                     Laporan Tahunan 2020 | Annual Report 2020
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