Page 37 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 37

Tata Kelola     Tanggung Jawab Sosial
            Perusahaan      Corporate Social
            Good Corporate   Responsibility

              Peran KPB meLaKSanaKan ProYeK                     KPBS’S roLe in managing a
              STraTegiS naSionaL                                naTionaL STraTegic ProJecT

              Didirikan  7  Mei  2019,  pembentukan  KPB  tidak   The establishment of  kpb on May 7, 2019, cannot be
              terlepas dari pelaksanaan Proyek Strategis Nasional   separated  from the  National  strategic  project  based  on
                                                                the  presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia
              berdasarkan Perpres RI No. 146 tahun 2015 tentang   in 2015 concerning the Construction &  development of
              Pembangunan & Pengembangan Kilang Minyak          domestic Oil Refinery, the Minister of Energy and Mineral
              Dalam Negeri, Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber   Resources (EMR) of the Republic of Indonesia  decree
              Daya Mineral (ESDM) Republik Indonesia  Nomor     Number 1001/k/12/MEM/2016 concerning the Assignment
                                                                to pT pertamina (persero) to develop and Operate the Oil
              1001/K/12/MEM/2016 tentang Penugasan kepada       Refineries  in  balikpapan,  East  kalimantan  province,  and
              PT Pertamina (Persero) dalam Pengembangan dan     Recommendation  Letter from EMR Ministry  No. 508/14/
              Pengoperasian Kilang Minyak di Kota Balikpapan,   MEM.M/2019 concerning the Recommendation/support to
              Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, dan Surat Menteri ESDM   pT  kilang  pertamina  balikpapan to Manage the National
                                                                strategic project.
              No. 508/14/MEM.M/2019 perihal Rekomendasi/
              Dukungan untuk PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
              dalam Pelaksanaan Proyek Strategis Nasional.

              memuLai PengerJaan KonSTruKSi di                  STarTed The conSTrucTion worK in
              Tahun 2020                                        2020
              Perusahaan telah menyelesaikan sejumlah Novasi    The Company has finished the novation of several
              Kontrak terkait EPC ISBL OSBL dan PMC. Sejumlah   contracts of EPC ISBL OSBL and PMC. Several
              pengerjaan konstruksi juga telah dimulai mencakup   construction works have started including piling &
              piling & stone column di area RFCC hingga         stone columns at the RFCC area and the GTG Train
              pengerjaan fondasi GTG  Train 1. Pada akhir tahun   1 foundation. By the end of 2020, the Company
              2020,  Perusahaan  menyelesaikan  pendirian  tiang   finished the erection of 2 GTG units, 2 HRSG units, 2
              pancang 2 unit GTG, 2 unit HRSG, dan 2 unit Boiler,   Boiler units, and installed the Mechanical RFCC Feed
              serta menyelesaikan instalasi Mechanical RFCC Feed   Tank D-320-12.
              Tank D-320-12.

        PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                     37                     Laporan Tahunan 2020 | Annual Report 2020
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