Page 102 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 102

Kilas Kinerja    Laporan              Profil           Analisis dan Pembahasan   Tinjauan Pendukung
               Performance      Manajemen            Perusahaan       Manajemen              Bisnis
               Higlights        management Report    Company Profile  Management Discussion and   Business Support

            ringKaSan PeLaKSanaan TugaS Tahun 2020            worK SummarY in 2020
            Sepanjang tahun 2020, Sekretaris Perusahaan telah   The Corporate Secretary has done the following duties
            melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai berikut:  and functions throughout 2020:

            1.  Menyiapkan Exposure Kinerja Perusahaan dalam HUT   1.  Prepared the Exposure of Company’s Performance
               PT Pertamina (Persero) dan HUT PT KPI.            during the Anniversary of both PT Pertamina (Persero)
                                                                 and PT KPI.
            2.  Memfasilitasi  proses  penyusunan  Buku  RKAP  2.  Facilitated the process of drafting the Company’s 2021
               Perusahaan tahun 2021 dan RKAP Perusahaan Tahun   RKAP and Revised 2020 RKAP.
               2020 Revisi.
            3.  Mengkoordinasikan kegiatan stakeholder engagement   3.  Managed the stakeholder engagement activities with
               dengan kalangan Pemerintah:                       the Government:
               a.  Pertemuan di Jakarta: Direksi Perusahaan dengan   a.  Meeting in Jakarta: the Company’s Board of
                  Kepala BKPM                                       Directors with BKPM Chief
               b.  Pertemuan di Balikpapan: Wakil Komisaris Utama   b.  Meeting  in  Balikpapan:  Vice  President
                  PT Pertamina  (Persero), didampingi  Direksi      Commissioner  of  PT  Pertamina  (Persero),
                  Perusahaan, bertemu dengan Kapolda Kaltim,        accompanied by the Company’s Board of Directors,
                  Irjen Pol Herry Rudolf Nahak.                     met  the  East  Kalimantan  Police  Chief,  Irjen  Pol
                                                                    Herry Rudolf Nahak.
            4.  Melakukan kegiatan stakeholder engagement dengan   4.  Managed the stakeholder engagement activities with
               kalangan media (cetak dan online), baik di Balikpapan   media (print and online) in Balikpapan and Jakarta.
               maupun di Jakarta.
            5.  Melakukan kegiatan stakeholder engagement dengan   5.  Managed the stakeholder engagement activities with
               masyarakat, khususnya area Ring 1.                the society, particularly those Ring 1.
            6.  Memfasilitasi  Penyelenggaraan  Weekly  Meeting  BOD   6.  Organized the Board Meeting including BOD Weekly
               Perusahaan & Monthly Meeting BOC-BOD Perusahaan   Meeting, BOC-BOD Monthly Meeting and in charge of
               dan Penanggung Jawab Notulensi Rapat BOD & BOC-   the Minutes of both BOD & BOC_BOD Meetings.
               BOD Perusahaan.
            7.  Mengikuti  Weekly Meeting Corporate Secretary dan   7.  Attended the Weekly Meeting of both Corporate
               Comrel di lingkungan Perusahaan.                  Secretary and Comrel Teams at the Company.
            8.  Memfasilitasi dan mengkoordinasikan kegiatan   8.  Organized  and  supervised  the  Management
               Management Walkthrough (MWT):                     Walkthrough activities:
               a.  Kepala BKPM ke Balikpapan;                    a.  BKPM Chief to Balikpapan;
               b.  Komisi VII DPR RI ke Balikpapan;              b.  Commission VII of DPR RI to Balikpapan;
               c.  Wakil Komisaris Utama PT Pertamina (Persero) ke   c.  Vice  President  Commissioner  of  PT  Pertamina
                  Balikpapan;                                       (Persero) to Balikpapan;
               d.  Dewan Komisaris & Direksi PT KPI, dan Komisaris &   d.  The Board of Commissioners and Board of
                  Direksi Perusahaan ke Balikpapan dan Lawe-Lawe;   Directors of the Company and PT KPI to Balikpapan
                                                                    and Lawe-Lawe;
               e.  Kunjungan Kabarhankam POLRI ke Perusahaan     e.  Official visit of Kabarhankam POLRI to the
                  dan RU V.                                         Company and RU V.
            9.  Memfasilitasi kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan   9.  Organized  the  Company’s  Corporate  Social
               Lingkungan  (TJSL/CSR)  Perusahaan,  namun  masih   Responsibility (TJSL/CSR), which all of them were
               bersifat donasi/bantuan/sponsorship.              categorized as donation/aid/sponsorship.
            10. Menyiapkan  dasar-dasar  rencana  pelaksanaan  10. Prepared the basis for the Company’s sustainable CSR
               kegiatan CSR Perusahaan yang berkelanjutan.       activities.
            11.  Memfasilitasi penyediaan dokumen  admininistratif   11.  Prepared the necessary documents for the Company’s
               terkait dalam rangka pelaksanaan kegiatan Audit   2020 Financial Statement Audit.
               Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Tahun 2020.
            12. Mendukung kegiatan asesmen khususnya untuk    12. Provided necessary supports in managing the social
               permasalahan isu-isu sosial dalam rangka mencari   issues in terms of financing activities from external
               mitra pendanaan dari eksternal.                   partners.
            13. Mengaktifkan media sosial Perusahaan melalui media   13. Managed the Company’s social media accounts
               Instagram KPB.                                    through Instagram.

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