Page 55 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          5. mendapatkan  pendanaan  eksternal  berupa  project   5.  Obtaining  external  funding  in  the  form  of  project  financing

            financing dengan mempertimbangkan keterbatasan sumber   by  taking  into account  the limited sources of funding  from

            pendanaan dari pemegang saham dan batasan kovenan     shareholders and PT Pertamina (Persero)’s financial covenant
            keuangan Pt Pertamina (Persero).                      limitations.

          6. melaksanakan  mekanisme  pembiayaan  proyek  guna  6.  Implementing a project financing mechanism to accommodate
            mengakomodasi potensi kerja sama dengan partner strategis   potential cooperation with strategic partners and implementing
            serta  melaksanakan mekanisme  Project Financing  (Trustee   a  Project  Financing  (trustee Borrowing scheme)  mechanism
            Borrowing Scheme) yang mensyaratkan pemisahan cash flow   which requires full separation of PT KPB’s cash flow from PT

            Pt kPB secara penuh dari Pt kPi. Pt kPB akan menjadi pemilik   KPI. PT KPB will become the owner of the new refinery unit in
            unit kilang baru di area rDmP ru V Balikpapan dan operator   the rDmP ru V Balikpapan area and operator of Pt kPi’s ru V

            kilang ru V Balikpapan milik Pt kPi.                  Balikpapan refinery.

          tujuan pembangunan kilang  di  dalam  negeri  yang dilakukan   The purpose of building a domestic refinery by Pertamina is based
          Pertamina  berdasarkan  pada Peraturan Presiden  (Perpres) No.   on Presidential regulation  (Perpres) No.  146  of 2015  concerning
          146  tahun 2015  tentang Pengembangan  dan  Pembangunan   the Development and Construction of Domestic Refineries, namely

          kilang  Dalam  Negeri yaitu  untuk mewujudkan ketahanan enegi   to realize national energy security, ensure the availability of fuel oil
          nasional, menjamin ketersediaan Bahan Bakar minyak (BBm) dan   (BBm) and reduce dependence on imports. according to Pertamina
          mengurangi ketergantungan pada impor. menurut data Pertamina,   data, domestic demand for fuel is expected to increase by 3% to
          kebutuhan BBm dalam negeri diperkirakan naik 3% menjadi 1,5 juta   1.5 million barrels per day (BPH) in 2030. the total production of

          barel per hari (BPH) pada 2030. total produksi kilang eksisting saat   existing refineries is currently around 729 thousand BPH.
          ini berkisar 729 ribu BPH.
          adapun kebutuhan bahan baku petrokimia bagi industri di dalam   as  for the need  for petrochemical  raw  materials  for domestic
          negeri sebagian besar masih mengandalkan impor. Pembangunan   industries, most of them still rely on imports. the construction of

          kilang  baru dan penambahan  kapasitas  kilang eksisting selain   new refineries and additions to the capacity of existing refineries is

          memenuhi  kebutuhan BBm  juga untuk memenuhi  permintaan   not only to meet the need for fuel, but also to meet the demand for
          bahan baku petrokimia.                               petrochemical raw materials.

                                                                                                                               LAYDOWN AREA 37 HA

                                                           TENA   GA
                                                           KER  J A
                                                           MANPO   W ER
                                                                         ipe F
                                                                                  tion M
                                                                      Pipe Fabrication Manpower : 893 pax
                                                                                             er : 893 pax
                                                                      Painting Shop Manpower : 208 pax
                                                                       P ain ting Shop M anpo w er : 208 pax                            PROGRES
                                                                      Material Control Manpower : 144 pax
                                                                       M a t er ial C on tr ol M anpo w er : 144 pax                    PEKERJAAN
                                                                                                                                         JOB PROGRESS
                                                                                                                                  Pipe Shop Fabrication
                                                                                                                                  Real > Plan dengan
                                                                                                                                  pencapaian progress  sik
                            F ASILIT AS                                                                                           sebesar 46%
                            F A CILITIES
                                                                                                                                  Real> Plan with
                                                                                                                                  achievement of physical
                                         Open Spac

                                        Open Space Laydown                                                                       progress 46%
                                                  e La
                                       3 Indoor Warehouses
                                       4 Pipe Workshops
                                       6 Painting Workshops
                                       Welding School                                                                     PIPE FABRICATION 75 HA
                                       O ces

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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