Page 169 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 169


                                                            nahdiyani hasbi
                                                            Anggota Komite Audit
                                                            Member of the Audit Committee

          Periode jabatan s.d.     l   Pertama  :   anggota komite audit pada   l   First  :   member of the audit Committee
          31 Desember 2022                       1 agustus 2021 – 31 Juli 2022.          on august 1, 2021 - July 31, 2022.

          Term of office up to 31   l   kedua   :   anggota komite audit pada   l   kedua :   member of the audit Committee
          December 2022                          1 agustus 2022 – sekarang.          on august 1, 2022 - present.
          Kewarganegaraan          indonesia.                              indonesia.
          Tempat Tanggal Lahir     malang, 15 Juli 1979.                   malang, July 15, 1979.
          Place Date of Birth

          Domisili | Domicile      Bogor, Jawa Barat.                      Bogor, Jawa Barat.
          Dasar Pengangkatan       l   sk Dewan komisaris Pt kPB No.kpts-006/Dk-  l   Decree of the Board of Commissioners of Pt kPB
          Basis of appointment       kPB/2021 tanggal 23 agustus 2021.        No.kpts-006/Dk-kPB/2021 dated august 23, 2021.
                                   l   sk Dewan komisaris Pt kPB No.kpts-002/Dk-  l   Decree of the Board of Commissioners of Pt kPB
                                     kPB/2022 tanggal 6 Juli 2022.            No.kpts-002/Dk-kPB/2022 dated July 6, 2022.

          Riwayat Pendidikan       l   s1 institut teknologi Bandung, Fakultas teknik   l   Bachelor  Degree  from  Bandung  institute  of
          Educational Background     Perminyakan, 2002.                       technology, Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, 2002.
                                   l   s2 institut teknologi Bandung, magister   l   master Degree from Bandung institute of technology,
                                     Business administration, 2016.           master of Business administration, 2016.

          Riwayat Kerja s.d.       l   Chief audit Executive Pt Pertamina Hulu rokan   l   Chief audit Executive of Pt Pertamina Hulu rokan
          31 Desember 2022           subholding upstream regional 1 - sumatera   regional 1 upstream - sumatera (2021 - present).
          Work History up to 31      (2021 - sekarang).                    l   manager  of  Financial  audit  &  reporting  of  Pt
          December 2022            l   manager Financial audit & reporting Pt   Pertamina Hulu Energi (2020-2021).
                                     Pertamina Hulu Energi (2020-2021).    l   manager  of  internal  audit  JBB  of  Pt  Pertamina
                                   l   manager internal audit JBB Pt Pertamina   (Persero) (2019-2020).
                                     (Persero) (2019-2020).                l   manager of internal audit kalimantan of Pt
                                   l   manager internal audit kalimantan Pt   Pertamina (Persero) (2016-2019).
                                     Pertamina (Persero) (2016-2019).

          Jabatan Rangkap s.d.     Chief audit Executive Pt Pertamina Hulu rokan   Chief of audit Executive of Pt Pertamina Hulu rokan
          31 Desember 2022         subholding upstream regional 1 – sumatera   regional 1 upstream subholding – sumatera (2021
          Concurrent Positions up to   (2021 - sekarang).                  - present).
          31 December 2022
          Hubungan Afiliasi &      l   Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan   l   Has no affiliation with members of the Board of

          Kepemilikan Saham          anggota Dewan komisaris, Direksi, dan    Commissioners, Board of Directors, and major and
          Perusahaan s.d.            pemegang saham utama dan pengendali.     controlling shareholders.
          31 Desember 2022         l   tidak memiliki saham Perusahaan.    l   Does not own Company shares.
          Affiliation Relations &

          Company share ownership
          up to 31 December 2022

                                                                                                u 20
                                                                                         ahun Buk
                                                                                                     Annual Repor

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
                                                                               an T
         P T K ilan g P er tamina Balik p ap an                            L Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Reportt
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