Page 167 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 167


                Nama               Jabatan                 Periode                   Dasar Pengangkatan
                Name               Position                Period                    Basis of Appointment

            saifullah ma’shum       ketua        1 Januari – 31 Desember 2022   sk Dewan komisaris
                                                                            tanggal 25 agustus 2021
                                    Chairman     January 1 – December 31, 2022   Decree of Board of Commissioners
                                                                            No. Kpts-009/DK-KPB/2021
                                                                            dated August 25, 2021
            m Jasman Panjaitan      anggota      8 Nov 2021-31 Juli 2022    sk Dewan komisaris Pt kPB
                                                 dan 1 agustus 2002-sekarang   No.kpts-13/Dk-kPB/2021
                                                                            dan sk Dewan komisaris
                                                                            Pt kPB No.kpts-002/Dk-kPB/2022
                                    Member       Nov 8, 2021 – July 31, 2022    Decree of the Board of Commissioners of
                                                 and August 1, 2022 - now    PT KPB No.Kpts-13/DK-KPB/2021
                                                                            and Decree of the Board of Commissioners
                                                                            of PT KPB No.Kpts-002/DK-KPB/2022
            Nadhiyani Hasbi         anggota      8 Nov 2021-31 Juli 2022 dan    sk Dewan komisaris Pt kPB
                                                 1 agustus 2002-sekarang    No.kpts-006/Dk-kPB/2021dan sk Dewan
                                                                            komisaris Pt kPB No.kpts-002/Dk-kPB/2022.
                                    Member       Nov 8, 2021 – July 31, 2022    Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT
                                                 and August 1, 2022 - now   KPB No.Kpts-006/DK-KPB/2021 and Decree
                                                                            of the Board of Commissioners of
                                                                            PT KPB No.Kpts-002/DK-KPB/2022

          p r ofi     l K omit e a udit                         audit Committee profile
          profil Komite audit

                                                                Saifullah Ma’shum

                                                                Ketua Komite Audit.

                                                                Profil  beliau  disajikan  pada  bagian  profil  Dewan  Komisaris  pada

                                                                Laporan tahunan ini.
                                                                Chairman of the Audit Committee.

                                                                His  profile  is  presented  in  the  profile  section  of  the  Board  of

                                                                Commissioners in this annual report.

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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