Page 168 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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                                                         M Jasman panjaitan
                                                         Anggota Komite Audit
                                                         Member of the Audit Committee

          Periode jabatan s.d.     l    Pertama   :   anggota komite audit pada   l   First   :   member of the audit Committee
          31 Desember 2022                       8 November 2021 – 31 Juli 2022.          on November 8, 2021 - July 31, 2022.

          Term of office up to 31   l    kedua   :   anggota komite audit pada   l   second   :   member of the audit Committee
          December 2022                          1 agustus 2022 – sekarang.           on august 1, 2022 - present.
          Kewarganegaraan          indonesia.                              indonesia.
          Tempat Tanggal Lahir     Pintu Batu, 6 september 1956.           Pintu Batu, september 6, 1956.
          Place Date of Birth

          Domisili | Domicile      Jakarta                                 Jakarta
          Dasar Pengangkatan       l   sk Dewan komisaris Pt kPB No.kpts-13/Dk-  l   Decree of the Board of Commissioners of Pt kPB
          Basis of appointment       kPB/2021 tanggal 8 November 2021.        No.kpts-13/Dk-kPB/2021 dated November 8, 2021.
                                   l   sk Dewan komisaris Pt kPB No.kpts-002/Dk-  l   Decree of the Board of Commissioners of Pt kPB
                                     kPB/2022 tanggal 6 Juli 2022.            No.kpts-002/Dk-kPB/2022 dated July 6, 2022.

          Riwayat Pendidikan       l   s2 universitas Padjajaran, Fakultas  Hukum,   l   master’s Degree from Padjajaran university,
          Educational Background     2009.                                    Faculty of Law, 2009.
                                   l   s3 universitas Padjajaran, Fakultas  Hukum,   l   Doctoral Degree from Padjajaran university,
                                     2014.                                    Faculty of Law, 2014.

          Riwayat Kerja s.d.       l   Jaksa  agung  muda Bidang  Pengawasan   l   Deputy  Attorney  General  for  Supervision  at  the
          31 Desember 2022           kejaksaan agung ri (Plt.) (2014 – 2016).  Attorney  General’s  Office  of  the  Republic  of

          Work History up to 31    l  sekretaris  Jaksa  agung  muda  Bidang  indonesia (Plt.) (2014 – 2016).
          December 2022              Pengawasan kejaksaan agung ri (2013-2014).  l   Secretary  of  the  Deputy  Attorney  General  for
                                   l   inspektur  iii  Pada Bidang  Pengawasan   Oversight at the Attorney General’s Office of the

                                     kejaksaan agung ri (2013)                republic of indonesia (2013-2014).
                                   l   kepala  kejaksaan  tinggi kalimantan  Barat   l   inspector iii  for  supervision  at  the  republic  of
                                     (2012)                                   Indonesia’s Attorney General’s Office (2013)

                                   l   Direktur Penyidikan PiDsus kejaksaan (2011)  l   Head of West Kalimantan High Prosecutor’s Office

                                   l   kepala kejaksaan tinggi  kalimantan tengah   (2012)
                                     (2010)                                l   Director of investigations for special Crime
                                   l   kapuspen kejaksaan agung (2009)        (PIDSUS) Attorney’s Office (2011)

                                                                           l   Head of Central kalimantan High Prosecutor’s

                                                                              Office (2010)
                                                                           l   Head of information Center (kapuspen) at attorney
                                                                              General’s Office (2009)

          Jabatan Rangkap s.d.     l   staf khusus menteri EsDm sejak 1 september   l   special staff of the minister of Energy and mineral
          31 Desember 2022           2022                                     resources since 1 september 2022
          Concurrent Positions up to   l   komisaris Pt sBN Pelni Logistik sejak oktober   l   Commissioner  of  Pt  sBN  Pelni  Logistik  since
          31 December 2022           2022                                     october 2022.
                                   l   komisaris  Pt  Vale  indonesia sejak  Desember   l   Commissioner of Pt Vale indonesia since
                                     2022                                     December 2022.

          Hubungan Afiliasi &      l   Tidak  memiliki  hubungan  afiliasi  dengan   l   Has no affiliation with members of the Board of
          Kepemilikan Saham          anggota Dewan komisaris, Direksi, dan    Commissioners, Board of Directors, and major and
          Perusahaan s.d.            pemegang saham utama dan pengendali.     controlling shareholders.
          31 Desember 2022         l   tidak memiliki saham Perusahaan.    l   Does not own Company shares.

          Affiliation Relations &
          Company share ownership
          up to 31 December 2022
             an T
                                                                                               tamina Balik
         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Reportt                             PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
                       ahun Buk
                                                                                     T K
                                    Annual Repor

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