Page 140 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 140


          •   Suw    = Suwahyanto (Komisaris Utama, 1 Januari - 31 Desember 2022).
          •   SM    = Saifullah Ma’shum (Komisaris, 1 Januari - 31 Desember 2022).
          •   HR    = Haiyani Rumondang (Komisaris, 19 Agustus - 31 Desember 2022).
          •   FY    = Feri Yani (Direktur Utama, 1 Januari - 31 Desember 2022).
          •   DKS    = Djoko Koen Soewito (Direktur Pengembangan, 1 Januari – 6 Mei & 26 Agustus – 31 Desember 2022).
          •   Mul    = Mulyono (Direktur Operasi, 1 Januari - 6 Mei 2022).
          •   ABN    = Arafat Bayu Nugroho (Direktur Operasi, 26 Agustus – 31 Desember 2022).
          •   SH    = Sigit Hanggoro (Direktur Keuangan & Penunjang Bisnis, 1 Januari – 31 Desember 2022).
          •   Suw    = Suwahyanto (President Commissioner, January 1 - December 31, 2022).
          •   SM    = Saifullah Ma’shum (Commissioner, January 1 - December 31, 2022).
          •   HR    = Haiyani Rumondang (Commissioner, August 19 - 31 December 31, 2022).
          •   FY    = Feri Yani (Chief Executive Officer, January 1-December 31, 2022).
          •   DKS    = Djoko Koen Soewito (Director of Development, January 1-May 6 & August 26-December31, 2022).
          •   Mul    = Mulyono (Director of Operations, January 1-May 6, 2022).
          •   ABN   = Arafat Bayu Nugroho (Director of Operations, August 26-December 31, 2022).
          •   SH    = Sigit Hanggoro (Director of Finance & Corporate Services, January 1-December 31, 2022).

          Dewan  komisaris  melakukan kunjungan  lapangan untuk melihat   The Board of Commissioners conducted field visits to see directly
          langsung  kegiatan pembangunan  Proyek rDmP ru V Balikpapan   the Balikpapan  rDmP  development  activities and understand
          dan Lawe-Lawe  dan memahami potensi-potensi  permasalahan   the  potential  problems  encountered  in  the  field  that  require
          yang dihadapi di lapangan yang membutuhkan dukungan komisaris   the Commissioners’  support  in their resolution.  the Board of
          dalam  penyelesaiannya.  Dewan  komisaris  memberikan masukan   Commissioners  provide input to  management  to  improve  the
          kepada manajemen untuk meningkatkan kinerja Perseroan.  Company’s performance.
          sepanjang  tahun  2022, Dewan  komisaris melakukan kunjungan   throughout 2022, the Board of Commissioners made a working visit
          kerja  sekaligus  Management Walk  Through (MWT)  ke  kilang   as well as a management Walk through (mWt) to the Balikpapan
          Balikpapan sebanyak 5 (lima) kali, seperti di bawah ini:   Refinery 5 (five) times, as below:
          1.  acara Gathering Pimpinan redaksi media massa Nasional dan   1.  Gathering Event for the Editor in Chief of National Mass Media
            Direktur utama Pt Pertamina (Persero) ke Proyek rDmP ru V   and President  Director  of Pt Pertamina (Persero)  to the
            Balikpapan, dengan materi Media dan Overview Proyek RDMP   Balikpapan rDmP Project, with the material media and overview
            RU V Balikpapan pada 7-9 Januari 2022.                of the Balikpapan rDmP Project on January 7-9, 2022.
          2.  kunjungan  kerja  Dewan  komisaris  dan  komite Pt  kilang   2.  Working Visit of the Board of Commissioners and Committees of
            Pertamina  internasional  ke Lokasi  Proyek  rDmP  ru V   Pt kilang Pertamina internasional to the rDmP ru V Balikpapan
            Balikpapan, dengan materi Sponsor Meeting 4th pada 10 maret   Project site, with material for the 4th sponsor meeting on march
            2022.                                                 10, 2022.
          3.  Pelaksanaan Grand Safety Talk PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan   3.  Implementation of the Grand Safety Talk of PT Kilang Pertamina
            dengan materi GST and Safety PT KPB oleh HSSE pada 8 Juni   Balikpapan with GST and Safety PT KPB material by HSSE on
            2022.                                                 June 8, 2022.
          4.  Townhall Meeting  Pt  kilang  Pertamina  Balikpapan  dengan   4.  townhall meeting of Pt kilang Pertamina Balikpapan with Pt
            materi Human Capital PT KPB dan Site Visit BoC-BoD PT KPB   kPB Human Capital material and Pt kPB BoC-BoD site Visit on
            pada 20 september 2022.                               september 20, 2022.
          5.  mWt dan  kunjungan  Dewan  komisaris  Pt  kPi  ke  rDmP  ru   5.  mWt and Pt  kPi’s Board of Commissioners  Visit to  rDmP
            V  Balikpapan dengan materi  Progress  Proyek  RDMP  pada  19   Balikpapan with material on  the  rDmP Project  Progress on
            Desember 2022.                                        December 19, 2022.

          penilaian Komite dewan Komisaris                     Board of Commissioners Committee assessment
          Dewan komisaris membentuk komite audit dan komite investasi   the  Board  of  Commissioners  forms  an  audit  Committee  and  an
          untuk membantu  tugas pengawasan Dewan  komisaris.  komite   investment Committee to assist the Board of Commissioners‘
          audit memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk membantu Dewan   supervisory  duties.  the  audit  Committee  has  the  duties  and
          komisaris  untuk memastikan  efektivitas  sistem pengendalian   responsibilities of assisting the Board of Commissioners in ensuring
          internal serta efektivitas pelaksanaan tugas eksternal auditor dan   the effectiveness of the internal control system and the effectiveness of
          internal auditor. sementara itu, komite investasi membantu Dewan   the implementation of external and internal auditors‘ duties. meanwhile,
          komisaris  untuk melakukan  pengawasan dan evaluasi  terhadap   the  investment  Committee  assists  the  Board  of  Commissioners
          kegiatan  perencanaan,  pelaksanaan,  dan pencapaian  investasi   in supervising and evaluating the planning, implementation and
          Perseroan.                                           achievement of the Company’s investment activities.
          Dewan  komisaris belum  membentuk  komite  remunerasi  yang   the Board of Commissioners has not yet formed a remuneration
          membantu  melaksanakan  tugas dan fungsi Dewan  komisaris   Committee to help carry out their duties and the functions of the
          yang berkaitan dengan remunerasi sesuai dengan peraturan yang   Board of Commissioners related to remuneration in accordance with
          berlaku. Dewan  komisaris sudah  memiliki pedoman  pelaksanaan   applicable  regulations.  the  Board of Commissioners  already has
          tugas  komite  remunerasi  yang termuat dalam  surat  keputusan   guidelines  for carrying out the  remuneration  Committee’s  duties
          Dewan  komisaris  Pt  kPB  No.kpts-003/Dk-kPB/2021  tanggal 9   which are contained in the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of
          agustus 2021 tentang Pembentukan dan Penetapan Piagam komite   kPB No.kpts-003/Dk-kPB/2021 dated august 9, 2021 concerning
          remunerasi di Lingkungan Dewan komisaris Pt kPB.     the Establishment and Determination  of the  remuneration
                                                               Committee Charter within the kPB Board of Commissioners.
          selama tahun  2022, Dewan  komisaris menilai  komite  audit dan

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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