Page 138 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 138


           No.    Tanggal           Agenda                 Dewan Komisaris                   Direksi
                  Date              Agenda               Board of Commissioner           Board of Director
                                                       Sum      SM      HR      FY    DKS     Mul   ABN   SH

           4    9 Juni 2022  Pembahasan Pencapaian kinerja Pt   V  V     V       V      V            V      V
                           kPB sampai dengan Bulan mei 2022.
                June 9, 2022  Discussion of PT KPB’s Performance
                           Achievements up to May 2022.

           5    22 Juni 2022  1.  review atas tindak Lanjut   V  V
                             Notulen rapat No. Nr-001/k/Dk-
                             kPB/2022 tanggal 07 april 2022.
                           2.  review atas tindak Lanjut
                             Notulen rapat No. Nr-002/k/
                             Dk-kPB/2022 tanggal 14 april
                           3.  review atas tindak Lanjut
                             Notulen rapat No. Nr-003/k/
                             Dk-kPB/2022 tanggal 09 Juni
                           4.  Peraturan Pemerintah (PP)
                             No. 23 tahun 2022 tentang
                             Penyempurnaan atas PP No. 45
                             tahun 2005 tentang Pendirian,
                             Pengurusan, Pengawasan dan
                             Pembubaran Badan usaha milik

               June 22, 2022  1.  Review of Follow-up Meeting
                               Minutes No. NR-001/K/DK-
                               KPB/2022 Dated 07 April
                             2.  Review of Follow-up Meeting
                               Minutes No. NR-002/K/DK-
                               KPB/2022 Dated 14 April
                             3.  Review of Follow-up Meeting
                               Minutes No. NR-003/K/DK-
                               KPB/2022 Dated 09 June 2022.
                             4.  Government Regulation (PP)
                               No. 23 of 2022 concerning
                               the Improvement of PP No.
                               45 of 2005 concerning the
                               Establishment, Management,
                               Supervision and Dissolution
                               of State Owned Enterprises.
            6   29 Juli 2022  1.  realisasi Key Performance   V  V               V                          V
                             Indicator (keyPi) Pt kPB
                             triwulan i s.d ii.
                           2.  Prognosa Pencapaian keyPi Pt
                             kPB tahun 2022.
                           3.  Update Project Financing.

                July 29, 2022  1.  Realization of PT KPB’s
                               Key Performance Indicator
                               (KeyPI) Quarter I to II.
                             2.  PT KPB KeyPI Achievement
                               Prognosis in 2022.
                             3.  Update Project Financing
            7   20 sept 2022  1.  Pencapaian keyPi triwulan ii   V  V    V       V      V            V      V
                             Pt kPB;
                           2.  Prognosa Pencapaian keyPi
                             triwulan iii Pt kPB.
                Sept 20, 2022  1.  PT KPB Quarter II KeyPI
                             2.  KeyPI Achievement
                               Prognosis Quarter III PT KPB.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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