Page 138 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 138

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             Tanggung Jawab (Kewajiban) Dewan Komisaris,      Responsibilities (Obligations) of the Board of
             berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan pasal      Commissioners, based on the Company’s Articles
             16 Ayat 4 adalah:                                of Association Article 16 Paragraph 4 are:
             a.  Memberikan pendapat dan saran kepada         a.  Provide opinions and suggestions to the GMS
                 RUPS mengenai RJPP dan RKAP yang diusulkan      regarding the RJPP and RKAP proposed by the
                 Direksi.                                        Board of Directors.
             b.  Mengikuti perkembangan kegiatan Perseroan,   b.  Follow the development of the Company’s
                 memberikan pendapat dan saran kepada            activities, provide opinions and suggestions
                 RUPS  mengenai  setiap  masalah  yang           to the GMS regarding any issues deemed
                 dianggap penting bagi kepengurusan              important to the management of the
                 Perseroan.                                      Company.
             c.  Melaporkan dengan segera kepada RUPS         c.  Report immediately to the GMS if there are
                 apabila terjadi gejala menurunnya kinerja       symptoms of a decline in the Company’s
                 Perseroan.                                      performance.
             d.  Meneliti dan menelaah laporan berkala dan    d.  Research and review the periodic reports and
                 Laporan Tahunan yang disiapkan Direksi serta    Annual Reports that are prepared as well as
                 menandatangani Laporan Tahunan.                 the Annual Reports.
             e.  Membentuk Komite Audit.                      e.  Establish an Audit Committee.
             f.   Melaksanakan kewajiban lainnya dalam        f.   Implement other obligations in the context
                 rangka tugas pengawasan dan pemberian           of supervisory duties and provide advice as
                 nasihat sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan     long as it does not conflict with the laws and
                 perundang-undangan, Anggaran Dasar, dan/        regulations, Articles of Association, and/or
                 atau Keputusan RUPS.                            Decisions.
             g.  Mematuhi ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku    g.  Comply with the provisions applicable to the
                 di pemegang saham mayoritas/pengendali          majority/controlling shareholders which are
                 yang dinyatakan berlaku bagi Perseroan          declared applicable to the Company through
                 melalui keputusan RUPS Perseroan, serta         the resolutions of the Company’s GMS, as well
                 sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-              as in accordance with the prevailing laws and
                 undangan yang berlaku.                          regulations.

             Hak dan Wewenang                                 Rights and Authorities

             Sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan pasal    In accordance with the Company’s Articles of
             16 ayat 3, hak dan wewenang Dewan Komisaris      Association article 16 paragraph 3, the rights and
             sebagai berikut:                                 authorities of the Board of Commissioners are as
             a.  Melihat  buku-buku,  surat-surat,  serta     a.  View books, letters, and other documents,
                 dokumen-dokumen lainnya, memeriksa kas          check cash for verification purposes and other
                 untuk keperluan verifikasi dan lain-lain surat   securities and examine the Company’s assets .
                 berharga dan memeriksa kekayaan Perseroan.
             b.  Memasuki pekarangan, gedung, dan kantor      b.  Enter the yards, buildings, and offices used by
                 yang dipergunakan oleh Perseroan.               the Company.
             c.  Meminta penjelasan dari Direksi dan/atau     c.  Request an explanation from the Board of
                 pejabat lainnya mengenai segala persoalan       Directors and/or other officials regarding all
                 yang menyangkut pengelolaan Perseroan.          issues related to the management of the
             d.  Mengetahui segala kebijakan dan tindakan     d.  Understand all policies and actions that have
                 yang telah dan akan dijalankan oleh Direksi.    been and will be carried out by the Board of
             e.  Meminta Direksi dan/atau pejabat lainnya di   e.  Request the Board of Directors and/or other
                 bawah Direksi dengan sepengetahuan Direksi      officials under the Board of Directors with the
                 untuk menghadiri rapat Dewan Komisaris.         knowledge of the Board of Directors attend the
                                                                 Board of Commissioners meeting.

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