Page 142 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 142

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             Mekanisme Pengunduran Diri dan                   Mechanism for Resignation and
             Pemberhentian Dewan Komisaris                    Dismissal of the Board of Commissioners

             Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan Pasal 15   Based on the Company’s Articles of Association
             Ayat 10 jabatan anggota Dewan Komisaris berakhir   Article 15 Paragraph 10, the position as a member
             apabila:                                         of the Board of Commissioners ends when:
             a.  Meninggal dunia.                             a.  They Pass Away.
             b.  Masa jabatannya berakhir.                    b.  Their term of office ends.
             c.  Kehilangan kewarganegaraan Indonesia.        c.  They lose their Indonesian citizenship.
             d.  Mengundurkan diri dengan pemberitahuan       d.  They resign with written notification to
                 tertulis kepada Pemegang Saham dengan           Shareholders and copies to other members
                 tembusan kepada anggota Dewan Komisaris         of the Board of Commissioners and the Board
                 lainnya dan Direksi paling lambat 30 (tiga      of Directors no later than 30 (thirty) days prior
                 puluh) hari sebelum tanggal pengunduran         to the date of his resignation.
             e.  Diberhentikan berdasarkan RUPS dengan        e.  They are dismissed based on the GMS for the
                 alasan:                                         following reasons:
                 1)  Tidak dapat melaksanakan tugasnya           1)   Unable to carry out their duties properly;
                    dengan baik;
                 2)  Tidak lagi memenuhi persyaratan dan/        2)   No longer fulfills the requirements and/
                    atau, melanggar ketentuan Anggaran               or violates the provisions of the Articles of
                    Dasar dan/àtau peraturan perundang-              Association and/or applicable laws and
                    undangan yang berlaku;                           regulations;
                 3)  Terlibat dalam tindakan yang merugikan      3) Have engaged in actions that are
                    Perseroan dan/atau Negara;                       detrimental to the Company and/or the
                 4)  Dinyatakan bersalah dengan putusan          4) Have been declared guilty by a court
                    Pengadilan yang mempunyai kekuatan               decision that has permanent legal force;
                    hukum tetap;
                 5)  Terjadinya keadaan dimana ybs memiliki      5)   A situation has arisen where the person
                    hubungan kelúarga sampai dengan                  concerned has a familial relationship up to
                    derajat ketiga, baik menurut garis lurus         the third degree, either in a straight line or a
                    maupun garis kesamping, termasuk                 side line, including a marriage relationship
                    hubungan semenda (menantu atau                   (son-in-law or brother-in-law) with
                    ipar) di antara anggota Dewan Komisaris          members of the Board of Commissioners
                    dan/atau Direksi, RUPS berwenang                 and/or the Board of Directors, and the GMS
                    memberhentikan salah satu diantara               has the authority to dismiss one of them.
                 6)  Alasan lainnya yang ditetapkan oleh RUPS.   6)   Other reasons determined by the GMS.

             Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris dan              Supporting Organs for the Board of
             Komite Lainnya                                   Commissioners and Other Committees

             Dewan Komisaris memiliki organ pendukung yang    The Board of Commissioners has 3 (three)
             terdiri dari 3 (tiga) komite yaitu Komite Audit dan   supporting  committees, namely  the Audit
             Komite Investasi, dan Komite Remunerasi. Organ   Committee, Investment Committee, and
             tersebut dibentuk dalam rangka membantu Dewan    Remuneration Committee. These were formed
             Komisaris dalam pelaksanaan pengawasan           in order to assist the Board of Commissioners in
             terhadap pengurusan Perusahaan.                  carrying out supervision over the management
                                                              of the Company.

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