Page 54 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 54

Kilas Kinerja    Laporan              Profil           Analisis dan Pembahasan   Tinjauan Pendukung
               Performance      Manajemen            Perusahaan       Manajemen              Bisnis
               Higlights        management Report    Company Profile  Management Discussion and   Business Support

            2.  Perekrutan pekerja baru, berikut dengan pelaksanaan   2.  New employee recruitment with  classroom training
               training classroom dan on the job training.       and on the job training.
            3.  Pekerjaan instalasi tangki RFCC Feed Tank D-320-12, 02   3.  Installation of RFCC Feed Tank D-320-12, 02 A/B.
            4.  Penyelesaian novasi kontrak EPC ISBL-OSBL dan   4.  Completed the contract novation of EPC ISBL-OSBL and
               Project Management Consultant dari PT Pertamina   Project Management Consultant from PT Pertamina
               (Persero) ke KPB.                                 (Persero) to KPB.
            5.  Pengurusan fasilitas green line untuk memperlancar   5.  Application of green line facility on imports.
               pelaksanaan impor.
            6.  Pengurusan  persetujuan  pembebasan biaya  impor   6.  Application of exemption of import tax and VAT from
               dan PPN dari Dirjen Pajak.                        the Directorate General of Taxes.
            7.  Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Steam Reformer Package di   7.  Procurement of Steam Reformer Package in the
               Unit Hydrogen Manufacture (HMU).                  Hydrogen Manufacture Unit (HMU).
            8.  Supervisi Proyek RDMP Balikpapan lingkup Pertamina   8.  Supervising the Balikpapan RDMP Project of
               oleh KPB.                                         Pertamina.
            9.  Pengadaan Lender Advisor dan Owner Advisor (sesuai   9.  Procurement of Lender Advisors and Owner Advisors
               keperluan) untuk kebutuhan  Due Diligence Project   (as needed) for the Due Diligence of Financing for
               Financing Proyek RDMP Balikpapan.                 Balikpapan RDMP Project.

            TinJauan Keuangan                                 financiaL reView

            Pembahasan  mengenai  kinerja  keuangan  Perusahaan   The discussion of the Company’s financial performance
            disusun sesuai dengan Laporan Keuangan PT Kilang   is made based on the Financial Statements of PT Kilang
            Pertamina Balikpapan untuk tahun yang berakhir    Pertamina Balikpapan for the years ended on December
            pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 31 Desember 2019,   31, 2020, and December 31, 2019, which have been audited
            yang  telah diaudit  oleh Kantor  Akuntan Publik  (KAP)   by the Public Accounting Firm of Purwantono, Sungkoro
            Purwantono,  Sungkoro  &  Surja,  firma  anggota  jaringan   & Surja, Ernst & Young Global Limited, with an opinion
            Ernst & Young Global Limited, dengan opini wajar dalam   that the financial statements are presented fairly, in
            semua hal yang material sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi   all  material  respects,  in  accordance  with  Indonesian
            Keuangan di Indonesia.                            Financial Accounting Standards.

            TinJauan PoSiSi Keuangan                          financiaL PoSiTion reView

                                                                                     Kenaikan (Penurunan)
                             uraian                     2020           2019           Increase (Decrease)
                           Description                  (uSd)         (uSd)
                                                                                      uSd             %

              aSeT Lancar
              CURRENT ASSETS

              Kas dan kas di bank                       526.685.910    84.696.949     441.988.961      521,85
              Cash on hand and cash in bank

              Piutang lain-lain                                -            408           (408)         (100)
              Other receivables

              Pajak dibayar di muka                      54.166.025           -       54.166.025         100
              prepaid tax

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