About Us

Company Profile


To become the world-class refinery operator and owner


PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (PT KPB), was founded on May 7, 2019. PT KPB shares are 99.997% owned by PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) which was formed as a strategic holding company in the investment and Pertamina's business ventures are related to refinery and petrochemical megaprojects, especially in carrying out cooperation schemes and project funding strategies. Meanwhile, 0.003% of the shares are owned by PT Pertamina Pedeve Indonesia, which is also a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) which is engaged in capital investment in subsidiaries or affiliates of PT Pertamina (Persero).

PT KPB was established to carry out the development of the Balikpapan & Lawe-Lawe Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) project and run the refinery processing business of Refinery Unit (RU) V Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. The Balikpapan & Lawe-Lawe RDMP project is one of PT Pertamina's (Persero) strategies in order to achieve the 2030 Company Long Term Plan (RJPP) target to realize Indonesia's economic independence, especially in terms of domestic oil production. Through the Balikpapan & Lawe-Lawe RDMP, it is targeted to increase production capacity from 260 thousand barrels per day (kbph) to 360 thousand barrels per day (kbph) and produce Euro V quality products, namely oil products that are more environmentally friendly and of better quality with lower consumption levels. more efficient.


With the support of human resources who have technical expertise according to world-class industry standards and decades of experience in the petroleum processing industry, PT KPB is optimistic that it can play a major role in helping overcome energy challenges in Indonesia and realizing energy independence by increasing the capability and reliability of the Pertamina Balikpapan Refinery.

About Us

Our Vision

To become the world-class refinery operator and owner that produces excellent company performance in producing quality, environmentally friendly products with profits that are able to maintain the sustainability of the company's business.

World Class Refinery

Excellent Performance

Environmentally Friendly Products


Our Mission

Supporting Pertamina Group and Government programs in increasing the added value of refinery products, reducing product imports and increasing national refinery production capacity.

Carrying out the construction of the RU V RDMP project with OTOBOSOROR (on time, on budget, on schedule, on return, on regulation). Running a refinery processing business in Balikpapan based on the integration of new and existing refinery units (revamp) resulting from the RDMP RU V Balikpapan project in the form of collaboration with PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional with a Tolling Fee and Operational and Maintenance (O&M) scheme.

Supporting corporate growth through refinery development, utilizing technology and Human Resources (HR), utilizing the potential of conventional and other alternative funding portfolios as well as being able to collaborate with various selected partners and empowering the surrounding environment.

Operating and managing Balikpapan refinery assets professionally.

About Us


As a part of PT Pertamina (Persero), which is a BUMN in the energy sector, KPB has an obligation to instil AKHLAK work culture guidelines. This obligation is carried out based on the Circular Letter of the Minister of BUMN Number: SE-7/MBU/07/2022 dated 1 July 2020. KPB's current leading values are guided by AKHLAK. As part of PT Pertamina (Persero), which is a BUMN in the integrated energy sector, PT KPB has an obligation to instil AKHLAK values as a guideline for the Company's work culture. Since July 1, 2020, BUMN's AKHLAK values have been fully adopted and implemented and have become a general frame of reference for all PT KPB officers. Various programs have been and will continue to be implemented in all company functional lines to ensure that the process of internalizing AKHLAK values runs well and sustainably. PT KPB sees AKHLAK values as an identity and work culture that can support the overall improvement of the Company's performance. AKHLAK values have become a guideline for PT KPB people in every aspect of their activities in providing energy and supporting the creation of national energy independence.
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    Memegang teguh kepercayaan yang diberikan.

    Holding tight the trust that is given.

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    Terus belajar dan mengembangkan kapabilitas.

    Keep on learning and improving capabilities.

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    Saling peduli dan menghargai perbedaan.

    Care for others and appreciate differences.

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    Berdedikasi dan mengutamakan kepentingan bangsa dan negara.

    Dedicated and prioritizes the interest of the state and the nation.

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    Terus berinovasi dan antusias dalam menggerakkan ataupun menghadapi perubahan.

    Keep innovating and enthusiastic in moving or facing changes.

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    Membangun kerja sama yang sinergis.

    Building a synergistic collaboration.

About Us

Board of Directors


Bambang Harimurti

President Director


Djoko Koen Soewito

Director of Development


Arafat Bayu Nugroho

Director of Operations


Nailul Achmar

Director of Finance & Business Support

About Us

Board of Commissioners


Haiyani Rumondang



Kadek Ambara Jaya



S. Suleman Tanjung

Independent Commissioner


Kuswara Harja

Independent Commissioner

About Us

Corporate Governance

The company is fully aware that implementing good Corporate Governance is an important aspect to ensure sustainable business growth in the long term. Therefore, the Company is committed and believes that consistent and continuous application of GCG principles and implementation in every business activity in accordance with best practice and applicable laws and regulations will strengthen investor confidence, increase value for Shareholders and Stakeholders. Other interests in supporting sustainable business growth in the long term.

KPB is a subsidiary of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional, and is under the PT Pertamina (Persero) group which has BUMN status. In implementing GCG, KPB refers to the Regulation of the Minister of State for State-Owned Enterprises Number PER-01/MBU/2011 dated 1 August 2011 jo. Regulation of the Minister of State for State-Owned Enterprises Number PER-09/MBU/2012 dated 6 July 2012 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises.

KPB believes that company management in accordance with GCG principles will ensure effective business management, in accordance with business objectives, and fair and transparent decision making, in accordance with applicable regulations and legislation.

Sustainable Corporate Governance

Quality Standards for Implementing Corporate Governance

The Company's commitment to making GCG a work culture is realized by efforts to increase GCG implementation at every level of the organization. This effort is made to ensure the achievement of the five main GCG values as follows:

Ensure openness in the decision-making process and disclosure of material and relevant information regarding performance, financial condition and other information in an adequate, clear, accurate, comparable and timely manner and easily accessible to stakeholders in accordance with their rights under statutory provisions.

Ensure clarity of function, implementation and accountability of all KPB Personnel which enables Company management to be carried out effectively. Accountability refers to the obligations of KPB personnel or the Company's work functions related to the implementation of the authority they have and/or the implementation of the responsibilities entrusted to them by the Company.

Manage independently and professionally and free from conflicts of interest and influence or pressure from any party that is not in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and GCG principles.

Ensure that business activities are carried out in accordance with healthy corporate principles, fulfill obligations to the Government in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, carry out active cooperation for mutual benefit, and strive to make a real contribution to society.

Ensure equality and justice in fulfilling stakeholder rights based on applicable provisions, agreements and laws and regulations.






About Us



Congratulations to the BIMOCOL Team! For the outstanding achievement of winning PC Prove PLATINUM at the Grand Forum Inovasi Mutu of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional!

The Geo Stone Column innovation has become a brilliant solution in addressing the challenges of constructing the largest 1-million-barrel tank in Southeast Asia, dealing with fine, dispersive, and unforeseen materials without soil replacement. Through a combination of Stone Column and Geomembrane, this tank successfully stands firm, safe, and environmentally friendly. Thank you for your contribution to advancing quality innovation at Pertamina! 👏


CIP Forum Awards

PT KPB won 2 (two) Gold Predicates in the Quality Innovation Grand Forum or CiP (Continuous Improvement Program) in all PT KPI Subholding Refining & Petrochemical Business units in 2022, at the Patra Hotel & Convention Semarang. Gold medals were won by the PC-Prove (Project Collaboration - Improvement) United and PC-Prove (Project Collaboration - Improvement) re-Wall groups.


Indonesian Minister of Manpower's COVID 19 Prevention Award

Award for the Prevention and Management of COVID-19 in the Workplace Program in the PLATINUM Category from the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia.


Minister of Manpower's Zero Accident Award

Zero Accident Award from the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia for the achievement of 43,458,261 People Working Hours Without Work Accidents July 2018 to November 2021.


PPU Regional Government Environmental Care Company

Environmental Care Company Award in the Adiwiyata School Program from the Regent of North Penajam Paser March 2022.


Award for the P2 COVID 19 Program in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Workplace

Platinum Category P2 COVID-19 Workplace Program Award from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government March 2022.


Patra Nirbhaya Karya Utama Award Trophy 2021

Oil and Gas Safety Award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Directorate General of Oil and Natural Gas for Achievement of 27,369,267 Working Hours Without Losing Working Days Due to Accidents July 2018 to April 2021.


East Kalimantan Provincial Government Zero Accident Award

Zero Accident Award from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government for Achievements in Implementing the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Program to Achieve 19,768,431 Person Hours Working Without Work Accidents July 2018 to December 2020.


Minister of Manpower's Zero Accident Award

Zero Accident Award from the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia for the achievement of 17,911,002 working hours without work accidents from July 2018 to December 2020.


Award for Supporting Balikpapan Regional Government's Handling & Prevention of COVID 19

Award for Participation in Handling and Prevention of COVID-19 in Balikpapan City February 2021.


Patra Nirbhaya Karya Madya Award Trophy 2020

Oil and Gas Safety Award for "No Loss of Working Hours Due to Accidents" Category from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Directorate General of Oil and Gas 8,603,103 Working Hours Without Losing Working Days Due to Accidents July 2018 to April 2020.