Page 185 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 185


               Tanggal                        Kegiatan                                    Materi
                Date                          Activity                                    Subject

            20 Juli 2022      acara “Apreciation Night”
                              Djoko koen soewito & mulyono.
            July 20, 2022     “Appreciation Night” event Mr. Djoko Koen Soewito & Mr.

            25 - 26 Juli 2022  kunjungan kerja Dewan komisaris dan komite Pt kPi ke   kunjungan ke Proyek tanki di Lawe-Lawe dan
                              Lokasi rDmP ru V Balikpapan sponsor meeting isBL-  Pembahasan Kesiapan Pasokan Gas serta
                              osBL Proyek rDmP ru V Balikpapan.            tBBm dan Jetty Export bila Proyek rDmP ru V
                                                                           Balikpapan Beroperasi.

            July 25-26, 2022  Work Visit of the Board of Commissioners and the PT   Visit to the Tank Project in Lawe-Lawe and
                              KPI Committee to the Balikpapan RDMP RU V Location   Discussion of Gas Supply Readiness and TBBM
                              Sponsor of the ISBL-OSBL Meeting for the Balikpapan   and Export Jetty if the Balikpapan RDMP Project
                              RDMP Project.                                Operates.

            27 Juli 2022      kunjungan kerja asisten Deputi migas, Pertambangan, dan   monitoring Pembangunan kilang minyak
                              Petrokimia kemeterian koordinator Bidang Perekonomian   Nasional.
            July 27, 2022                                                  Monitoring the Development of the National Oil
                              Work Visit of the Assistant Deputy for Oil and Gas, Mining   Refinery.
                              and Petrochemicals at the Coordinating Ministry for
                              Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
                              kunjungan sVP rti Pt Pertamina (Persero)     Diskusi Potensi implementasi dan
            2 agustus 2022                                                 Pengembangan katalis serta specialty Chemical
                                                                           dan site Visit Proyek rDmP ru V Balikpapan.
                                                                           Discussion on Potential Implementation and
                              PT Pertamina (Persero) SVP RTI Visit         Development of Catalysts as well as Specialty
            August 2, 2022                                                 Chemical and Site Visit of the RDMP RU V
                                                                           Balikpapan Project.
            12-16 september 2022  kunjungan kPP Wajib Pajak iii ke Proyek rDmP ru V   Paparan Proses Bisnis kilang, Paparan Proses
                              Balikpapan.                                  Bisnis Pemasaran, kunjungan Lapangan (Plant
                                                                           tour) Project kilang, kilang ru V, dan tBBm
                                                                           Balikpapan, dan Diskusi Perpajakan.
            September 12-16, 2022  Taxpayer KPP III Visit to the Balikpapan RDMP Project.  Presentation on Refinery Business Processes,
                                                                           Exposure to Marketing Business Processes,
                                                                           Site Visits (Plant Tour) to Refinery Projects,
                                                                           Refinery RU V, and TBBM Balikpapan, and Tax
            20 september 2022  townhall meeting Pt kilang Pertamina Balikpapan  Human Capital Pt kPB dan site Visit BoC BoD Pt kPB

            September 20, 2022                                             Human Capital PT KPB and Site Visit BoC BoD PT KPB
            22 september 2022  ECa site Visit rDmP ru V Balikpapan         Finance and Lenders Investor PT KPB
            September 22, 2022

            25 september 2022  Kunjungan Kerja Spesifik Komisi VI DPR RI ke PT Kilang   kunjungan dan Pemaparan komisi Vi dengan ru
                              Pertamina internasional ru V Balikpapan.     V Balikpapan.
            September 25, 2022  Commission VI Special Work Visit of the Republic of   Visit and Presentation of Commission VI with RU
                              Indonesia DPR to PT Pertamina Internasional RU V   V Balikpapan
                              Balikpapan Refinery.
            4 oktober 2022    silaturahmi media bersama rekan Pertagas     media Engagement dengan Pertagas terkait
                                                                           sosialisasi Proyek Pipa Gas Senipah Balikpapan.

                                                                           Media Engagement with Pertagas regarding the
            October 4, 2022   Media Gathering with Pertagas Partners       socialization of the Balikpapan Senipah Gas
                                                                           Pipeline Project.
            4 oktober 2022    kunjungan tim kejaksaan agung ke Proyek WsWH   audit kejaksaan agung ri ke Proyek Work shop
                              rDmP ru V Balikpapan                         Ware House rDmP ru V Balikpapan.
            October 4, 2022   Visit of the Attorney General’s Team to the Balikpapan   Audit of the Indonesian Attorney General’s Office
                              WSWH RDMP Project                            to the RDMP RU V Balikpapan Work Shop Ware
                                                                           House Project.

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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