Page 44 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 44

Kilas Kinerja    Laporan              Profil           Analisis dan Pembahasan   Tinjauan Pendukung
               Performance      Manajemen            Perusahaan       Manajemen              Bisnis
               Higlights        management Report    Company Profile  Management Discussion and   Business Support

            STruKTur organiSaSi


                                         Head of                        Corporate
                                       Internal Audit                   Secretary

             Executive Secretary

                                          HSSE                      Legal & Compliance
                                         Manager                         Manager

                         Development                    Operation                               Finance
                            Director                     Director                              Director

                                 VP Project Control &   VP Simultaneous                       Finance & IT
              VP Engineering
                                  Quality Assurance     Operation

                                                                                           VP Human Capital &
                                                                                            Business Support
              VP Construction      Procurement
                Balikpapan           Manager

             VP Construction Lawe-  VP System
             Lawe & Offsite-Utilities  Completion


                                                                              Dapat diisi oleh pekerja PWT/secara ex officio
                                                                              jabatan fungsional terkait
                                                                              Open for PWT workers/ex officio of related

            Struktur  organisasi  Perusahaan  per  31  Desember  2020   The Company’s organizational structure as of December
            telah disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Nomor: Kpts-  31, 2020, has been stipulated by the Decree Number: Kpts-
            001/KPB0000/2020-S0 tanggal 23 Januari 2020.      001/KPB0000/2020-S0, which was validated on  January
                                                              23, 2020.

         Laporan Tahunan 2020 | Annual Report 2020         44                             PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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