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PT KPB National Health Seminar Presents Psychosocial Health Expert

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

"Before we hope for things to get better, always start with the best for yourself, namely starting from maintaining mental health, because without mental health nothing will have any meaning"

This is a piece of notes from @tara_dethouars, resource person from the Health Seminar in the context of National Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Month held by PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan.

This seminar was opened directly by the Development Director of PT KPB, Djoko Koen Soewito. Also present were PT KPB Operations Director Arafat Bayu Nugroho along with PT KPB Management, and invited guests from stakeholders and medical Pertamina Group Kalimantan. The seminar was even more exciting because of the presence of Komika @mrgamayel and Rifky Black.

As the activities of the Balikpapan RDMP Project increase, the implementation of HSSE becomes more massive, especially the mental health aspect for all workers within the Company, both those who work in office areas and those who are on daily duty in the field supervising the progress of the Pertamina Balikpapan refinery expansion project. With the theme "Maintaining Mental Health to Increase Worker Productivity in the Work Environment".