
Important Momenta

It's Official, Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Generation Successfully Carried Out: One Definite Step Toward Operation of the Balikpapan RDMP Refinery

Saturday, 26 November 2022

Pertamina's dedication in supporting the National Strategic Project (PSN) Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) in Balikpapan is proven by its success in achieving vital milestones. After successfully installing the Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) and Steam Turbine Generator (STG) as the main generator series to support the electrical utilities of the Balikpapan RDMP Refinery, Pertamina through one of its subsidiaries, PT. Pertamina International refinery, namely PT. Pertamina Balikpapan Refinery (PT. KPB) has again implemented an important milestone in the Balikpapan RDMP project by successfully generating the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) or EDG Energization. The generation of EDG is the first step in the Balikpapan RDMP Black Start Up activities with an improvement schedule that is faster than planned.

Emergency Diesel Generator generation is an important momentum because this tool functions as the main Power Back Up system when a Total Blackout (TBO) occurs to maintain critical equipment so that it continues to receive electrical voltage so that the refinery can shutdown safely and avoid damage. fatal (safety shutdown case). Apart from that, EDG also functions as the Initial Power needed to revive the refinery by generating one (1) Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) and its supporting facilities (Black Start-up Case). The Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) with tag number A-331-05A/B was officially resurrected on November 27 2022. This achievement will contribute to the positive progress of the Balikpapan RDMP which on November 17 2022 has reached 56.80% with Safe Working Hours (JKA) of 86,554,937 million Safe Working Hours.

Mentioned by the President Director of PT. KPB, Feri Yani, the progress achievement from installation to activation of the EDG which consists of 3 diesel generators with a capacity of 2 MW each (A-331-05A/B/C, 3x2 MW) from Cummins is 1% of the overall RDMP project progress Balikpapan, "EDG Energization is an important momentum considering that this equipment is included in the preparation of the RFCC commissioning & start-up plan," he said. As we all know, electrical power distribution is very necessary to supply electrical power needs to process units and refinery areas. The electric power generation and distribution system must ensure a continuous supply of electric power in sufficient quantities to meet the operating needs of the refinery and maintain stable product specifications. The generation of EDG is the first step in the Black Start-Up (BSU) stage of the PT.KPB Project which is one of the important milestones that reflects the BSU stage that has begun, with the revival of utility production so that it can enter the Pre-Commissioning stage of the OSBL/ISBL unit.

This activity was also witnessed directly by the Infrastructure Project Director of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT. KPI) Kadek Ambara Jaya. Main Director of PT. KPB Feri Yani is optimistic that it can continue to realize the achievements of the Balikpapan Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) Project managed by PT. KPB. "Preparations have been carried out from the beginning of October 2022, with coordination meetings held every day between PT. KPI, PT. KPB, and JO RDMP Balikpapan. "Thank God, with the success of this process, all of our energy must be further increased to immediately complete the national strategic project that this nation is proud of," said Kadek full of confidence.

This is in line with the aim of building the Balikpapan RDMP Project, namely increasing the processing capacity of the Balikpapan Refinery from 260 kbpd to 360 kbpd and improving product quality to meet EURO V standards which are more environmentally friendly. Another goal is to increase refinery complexity by adding conversion units to produce more higher value products. Lastly, the RDMP Project is expected to increase the flexibility of crude oil processing so that it can process crude that has a higher sulfur content with a lower market value compared to what is currently processed.