Page 16 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 16



                                                               PT  KPB  mencapai  9  (sembilan)  kemajuan  pembangunan  fisik

                                                               yang meliputi 4  (empat) komponen utama  yakni  engineering,
                                                               procurement,  construction,  dan  commissioning.  Pencapaian  itu
                                                               adalah delivery 3 (tiga) unit Boiler a-331-01C/D/E dan pipa EPC 20
                                                               inch terminal Lawe-Lawe,  delivery Alkylation Reactor C-065-03,
                                                               operational  acceptance  relocation  Flare BPP-ii  & New HCC  Flare,
                                                               delivery 5 (lima) unit Steam Turbine Generator a-331-03- a-E, dan
                                                               delivery  C3  splitter C-063-06  dan  Mechanical  Completion  rFCC
                                                               Feed Tank D-320-12.
                                                               selanjutnya adalah pemasangan Alkylation Reactor, commissioning
                                                               rFCC Feed Tank D-30-12 dan pemasangan Steam Turbin Generator
                                                               A, completion assembly Ringer Crane 2.800 ton serta pemasangan
                                                               Propane/Propylene Splitter.  terakhir,  commissioning  rFCC  Feed
                                                               Tank D-320-02B dan pemasangan rFCC 1st Regenerator C-052-10.

                                                               Pt  kPB  achieved 9  (nine) physical development  progress
                                                               which included  4  (four) main  components  namely engineering,
                                                               procurement, construction and commissioning. that achievement is
                                                               delivery of 3 (three) units of Boiler a-331-01C/D/E and 20-inch EPC
                                                               pipe Lawe-Lawe terminal, delivery of alkylation reactor C-065-03,
                                                               operational acceptance relocation BPP-11 Flare & New HCC Flare,

                                                               delivery of 5 (five) units of Steam Turbine Generator A-331-03-A-E,
                                                               and delivery  of C3 splitter  C-063-06 and mechanical  Completion
                                                               rFCC Feed tank D-320-12.
                                                               Next  is  the installation  of  the alkylation  reactor,  commissioning
                                                               of the D-30-12 rFCC Feed tank and installation of steam turbine
                                                               Generator  A,  completion  of  the  2,800-ton  Ringer  Crane  assembly
                                                               and installation of the Propane/Propylene  splitter.  Finally,
                                                               commissioning of rFCC Feed tank D-320-02B and installation of
                                                               rFCC 1st regenerator C-052-10.


                                                               Pembangunan  Proyek  rDmP  ru  V  Balikpapan  mencatatkan 8
                                                               (delapan) pencapaian penting yakni lifting Residual Fluid Catalytic

                                                               Cracking (rFCC) 2nd Regenerator, filling perdana rFCC Feed Tank
                                                               – 02a,  lifting  rFCC  Disengager/Stripper, instalasi  rFCC  Main
                                                               Fractionator,  start erection  Bottom Plate Crude  Tank EPC Lawe-
                                                               Lawe, instalasi  Main  Air Blower,  instalasi  reaktor  Diesel Hydro
                                                               Treating (DHt), dan pembangkitan  Emergency  Diesel Generator
                                                               (EDG) A/B.

                                                               the construction  of the rDmP  ru  V Balikpapan  and Lawe-Lawe
                                                               Projects recorded 8 (eight) important achievements, namely lifting
                                                               residual Fluid Catalytic  Cracking (rFCC) 2nd regenerator, initial

                                                               filling  of  RFCC  Feed  Tank-02A,  lifting  RFCC  Disengager/Stripper,
                                                               installation of rFCC main Fractionator, start erection Bottom Lawe-
                                                               Lawe EPC Crude  tank Plate, main air Blower installation, Diesel
                                                               Hydro treating  (DHt)  reactor  installation, and a/B Emergency
                                                               Diesel Generator (EDG) generation.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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